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Questions tagged [revtex]

REVTeX (latest version 4.2) is a document class and a set of packages designed for the preparations of manuscripts to the journals of the American Physical Society (APS) and American Institute of Physics (AIP).

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error File ended while scanning use of \BR@@lbibitem created by revtex4-2 and pagebackref option in hyperref

I have a large file that uses bibtex to create references. I benefit from the option \usepackage[pagebackref]{hyperref} since it makes it easier to find the pages where a particular reference is ...
crdafisica's user avatar
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Undefined \@captype error when using \marginpar with RevTeX

The MWE \documentclass[reprint]{revtex4-2} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum[1]\marginpar{blah} \lipsum[1]\marginpar{blah} \lipsum[1]\marginpar{blah} \lipsum[1]\marginpar{blah} \lipsum[...
schtandard's user avatar
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Whole page, landscape figure in RevTex 4.2

I'm trying to include a circuit schematic in my paper. For this to be legible, it's going to need to be a full, landscape page. How can I achieve this? I've tried this but it's just spinning it in the ...
ScottishTapWater's user avatar
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Turn off arXiv information in revtex4-2

I want to remove the arXiv-info in a reference if it was published elsewhere. In a different discussion I found the option noeprint, but it seems to be ignored as demonstrated in this minimal example: ...
qntdni's user avatar
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Cite specific theorem in revtex4-1

I want to use the command \cite[Theorem number]{citation_key} to get an output like [5, Theorem Number]. However, in revtex4-1 this is displayed as a reference number superscript followed by (Theorem ...
Arbiter's user avatar
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Common foot note for two authors

The article below has three authors. I need a footnote mentioning that the first two contributed equally, along with a symbol next to the first two authors. I tried using \thanks but it did not work. ...
Dotman's user avatar
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Indent format of algorithm2e in revtex4-1

When I use algorithm2e package to write a paper in vertex 4-1 with WinEdt7, the output pdf file has a wrong indent format in the algorithm part. Everything is messed up! It looks like this: What ...
mingo's user avatar
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Two column linenumbers in outer margin does not work with Revtex4-2

If I use lineno with the switch option in \documentclass[twocolumn]{article}, the output is what I would expect, the line numbers appear on the outer margins. But, using \documentclass[twocolumn]{...
Tuhin Kanti Das's user avatar
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REVTeX4-2: Strange behavior of year for specific journal

I have noticed that when citing JHEP using the journal abbreviation "J. High Energy. Phys." with the REVTeX4-2 document class the year is suppressed and replaced with the issue number, which ...
Kai's user avatar
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One-column main text and two-column bibliography in revtex4-2 using \begin{thebibliography}

I need to create a document in revtex4-2 that uses the one-column format for the main text but typesets the bilbiography in a two-column layout. I tried using "\twocolumngrid" before the ...
ConfusedCabbage's user avatar
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Citing in RevTex4.2

How can I automatically add the brackets [ ] around my citation number with \onlinecite in RevTex4.2? I was trying to use \cite with biblatex package but it couldn't work with RevTex4.2. I tried to ...
A.M.M Elsayed 马克's user avatar
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lyx finding style files

I am attempting to use lyx on a Rocky 8 machine. When I load a revtex4 document I get the message that it can't find revtex4.cls or revsymb.sty. However, when I look in Tools=> Tex info, under ...
nardis_miles's user avatar
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Insert arbitrary-row-size multi-columns in revtex4, for the purpose of inserting figures more freely

Are there equivalent commands in revtex4 documentclass, like the multi columns inserted in the arbitrary place in the beamer like the following? Naively, I expect something like this so we can insert ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Revtex 4.2, dvips, hyperref: broken bibliography links do not work

Sorry, I seem not to get this, even though I use tex and latex since 30 years. (And I read all messages on the topic.) I use, in my document: \documentclass[onecolumn,nofootinbib,aps,prd,...
KlausK's user avatar
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Incorrectly positioned text in revtex4-2 after figure embedded in \onecolumngrid ... \twocolumngrid

I'm using "\onecolumngrid ... \twocolumngrid" to accommodate a wide figure in Revtex4-2. However, the text that follows the "\twocolumngrid" command is positioned incorrectly and ...
ConfusedCabbage's user avatar

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