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Modify subfloat numbering and position

I've made a figure with 15 subfloats. Here below, first, what I get and, second, what I would like. I would like to remove subfloats (m) and keep at the location the two other subfloats on the line ...
hofmannj's user avatar
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Align captions below images with subfloat

The captions below subfloat figures are not aligned to the corresponding images. Is there any solution to that? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{subfig} \...
user3212953's user avatar
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Align horizontally 2 figures with minipage (with one figure have a longer caption than the other)

I want to put 2 figures next to each other using minipage command. The caption of one of the image is longer than the other and takes seval lines. This has for consequences to disalign the images ...
ecjb's user avatar
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Why are my tikz graphs not side-by-side?

With \includegraphics and PNG images I'm able to align graphics side by side. However, when I replace \includegraphics with a tikzpicture, the graphs are not side by side. Instead, they are one on top ...
at.'s user avatar
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Why my table doesn't appear on the page I place it? [duplicate]

I have thw following code in latex but my table appears after the images. In the code the code for table is written before the code for imgaes. How can I make the table appear before the images? Some ...
AceDoong's user avatar
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Create a command to reduce code duplication when inserting imgage

so I have to do a pdf with a lot of images and I would like to avoid code duplication, so I'd like to create something like a function which take as input two arguments: Image name Caption text So ...
Andrea 's user avatar
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How to prevent figures from appearing at the top of a page?

Why is it that, when I insert my figure with \begin{figure}, it is placed at the beginning of the paper ?
Hayet Jochebed's user avatar
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Insert two figures along one other figure

I have 3 figures that I want to insert them as one figure in my document. I want to order them as the following I use the following code \documentclass[a4paper,fleqn,10pt,oneside]{book} \usepackage{...
Venus's user avatar
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Big picture with several smaller ones on the side with subfigure/subfig

I want a solution the problem discussed here, but using subfigure (or subfig) instead of subcaption. The question by @Makers_F was: I'm trying to achieve an effect like: _____ ___ ___ | | ...
user7867665's user avatar
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Grid alignment of 4 images [duplicate]

I wanted to align the four images in a grid of 2x2, but the images are getting arranged vertically. I'm working on a template of IEEE format. This is the code that I'm working on: \begin{figure}[!tbp]...
Amey Meher's user avatar