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Why Choose Syncfusion WINUI Cartesian Charts?

The WinUI Cartesian Charts control is optimized to visualize large quantities of data in an elegant way. Its rich feature set includes functionalities like data binding, multiple axes, legends, animations, data labels, trackballs, tooltips, gradients, and zooming.

WINUI chart types icon

15+ Charts

The Cartesian chart includes popular and widely used charts like line, column, bar, area, and scatter.

WINUI chart features icon

Rich feature set

A vast range of features is available to customize the appearance of charts and render the desired outputs.

WINUI chart animation icon


Animation represents data with smooth fluid transitions.

WINUI chart performance icon


The WINUI Chart was designed with a focus on fast-paced performance to let users render huge amounts of data in seconds.

WINUI chart globalization icon


Enables users from different locales to use Charts by formatting dates, currencies, and numbering to suit their preferences.

WINUI chart responsive icon


Charts in WINUI render adaptively based on device type like Windows desktops and device orientation, providing an optimal user experience.

Chart axis

The WinUI Cartesian Charts control supports three types of axes: numerical, categorical, and date-time. The appearance of all chart axis elements can be customized with built-in properties.

Numeric axis

Uses a numeric scale and displays numbers in equal intervals in axis labels.

WINUI chart with numeric axis

Categorical axis

A non-linear axis that displays text in axis labels.

WINUI chart with categorical axis

Date-time axis

Displays date-time values in equal intervals in axis labels. It is typically used as the x-axis.

WINUI chart with date-time axis

Fast chart types

The WinUI fast chart plots a large number of data points fast.

Fast line chart

The fast line chart is a special kind of line chart that renders a collection with a huge number of data points. A fast line chart is rendered using a polyline segment.

Beautiful WinUI fast line charts.

Fast column chart

A fast column chart is used to boost the performance of the column series.

Beautiful WinUI fast column charts.

Fast scatter chart

A fast scatter chart is used to render a large number of scatter points.

Beautiful WinUI fast scatter charts.

Fast step line chart

A fast step-line chart is the high-performance version of the step-line series.

Beautiful WinUI fast step line charts.

Other exciting and highly usable features

From a vast collection of features available in WINUI Cartesian Charts, a few are described here.

Vertical charts

For the series to be plotted vertically, the axis direction can be mirrored when required.

WinUI vertical chart control.


Legends provide additional information that is helpful in identifying individual series in a chart. They can be docked to left, right, top, or bottom positions of the chart area.

WinUI Cartesian Chart with legend.

Data labels

Data points can easily be annotated with labels to help improve readability.

WinUI Caresian Charts control with data labels.

User interactions

The end-user experience is greatly enhanced by a set of interactive features: zooming and panning, tooltip, selection, trackball, and crosshair.


Improve the readability of large numbers of data points by zooming and panning. Zooming is performed by pinching, selecting a region, or double tapping at the required position. 

WinUI cartesian chart with zooming


Tooltips display pop-ups with additional information when the mouse hovers over a data point.

WinUI cartesian chart with tooltip


Allows users to highlight or select specific data points or areas of a chart for further analysis or comparison. There are two types of selection: data point and series.

WinUI cartesian chart with segment selection


Display the exact data values for multiple data points simultaneously by tracking the position of the user’s cursor.

WinUI cartesian chart with trackball


The Crosshair feature is used to display the exact values of data points on the x and y axes at a particular location on the chart for an accurate analysis.

WinUI cartesian chart with crosshair

Code Guidelines

Easily get started with the WinUI Charts using a few simple lines of XAML and C# code examples as demonstrated below. Also, explore our WinUI Charts Example which shows you how to render and configure Charts in WinUI.

<Window x:Class="ChartExample.MainPage"
        Title="WinUI Column Chart" Height="450" Width="700">
        <chart:SfCartesianChart Height="300" Width="500">
            <!--Setting DataContext-->

            <!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the WinUI Chart-->

            <!--Initialize the vertical axis for the WinUI Chart-->

            <!--Adding Column Series to the WinUI Chart-->
            <chart:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
public class Model
    public string Month { get; set; }

    public double Target { get; set; }

    public Model(string xValue, double yValue)
        Month = xValue;
        Target = yValue;

public class ViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Model> Data { get; set; }

    public ViewModel()
        Data = new ObservableCollection<Model>()
            new Model("Jan", 50),
            new Model("Feb", 70),
            new Model("Mar", 65),
            new Model("Apr", 57),
            new Model("May", 48),

Syncfusion WinUI DataViz & UI Controls

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Support for 15+ chart types with elegant animation.
  • Enhance user experience with a set of interactive features.
  • Easily create and customize charts with shared and intuitive APIs.
  • One of the best WinUI Charts in the market that offers a feature-rich UI to interact with the software.
  • Visualize large quantities of data, flexible data binding, and user customization.
  • Work with a simple configuration and APIs.
  • Use a lightweight and truly native control.
  • Adaptive and responsive UI.
  • Support for all modern devices and browsers.
  • Access expansive resources such as demos and documentation to learn and get started quickly with WinUI Charts.

You can find our WinUI Charts demo here.

No, this is a commercial product and requires a paid license. However, a free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue, 5 or fewer developers, and 10 or fewer total employees.

A good place to start would be our comprehensive getting started documentation.

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