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Metadata Tags Not Reflecting in Page Source Angular 9

I’m currently working on an Angular 9 application, and I’m implementing SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and SEO for it. I’ve added dynamic metadata tags to my components, using resolvers and within the ...
pen text's user avatar
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How can I prevent WhatsApp Web from opening a new tab when a WhatsApp Web tab is already open?

Is it possible to prevent the WhatsApp Web URL from opening in a new tab if a WhatsApp Web tab is already open? const msg = "*Greetings From "+this.previewData.unit_name+" "+this....
Vishnu .T.D's user avatar
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Angular AOT throws error when Observable asyncPipe is assigned to primeNg dropdown component

I am using the p-dropdown primeNg component and it can take an Observable | async value in a template like this: [options]="to.options | async" but it's not working when i build my app with ...
ulquiorra's user avatar
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How to generate and scan qr based on https request - Angular 9

I'm using Angular 9. I try to explain what I want to do and I don't have no idea what to do. So I need QR and when client scan by phone this QR it should be call a https request. This request return ...
Monika's user avatar
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Is angular-highcharts npm package compaitble with highcharts >= 7 for Angular 9.1.13 migration?

I am migrating angular 8 app to angular 9.1.13, highcharts are implemented in my app and I am trying to update highcharts as well. For that I am updating highcharts from 6.2.0 to v7.2.2 and angular-...
Dev001's user avatar
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Getting error "[class] and [className] bindings cannot be used on the same element simultaneously" after updating from Angular 8 to Angular 9

I working on a huge project with thousands of html elements that contains both class attribute and multiple class bindings simultaneously. I am updating the angular version from 8.2 to 9 If I start ...
T. B. - Tantiya Bichchu's user avatar
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How can i use angular-calendar in Angular 17?

I'm converting Angular 9 project into Angular 17 and one component got angular-calendar plugin which was last published an year ago, in component.html it's implemented like this, <mwl-calendar-...
pl-jay's user avatar
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update angular 8 to 9

I am trying to update from 8 to 9 I get this: Using package manager: 'npm' Collecting installed dependencies... Found 85 dependencies. Fetching dependency metadata from registry... Updating ...
Paraskevi Papagiannoula's user avatar
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NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(XO)[AEe -> mu -> mu]: Error while Upgrading angular version 9 to version 17?

I am trying to upgrade angular v9 to v17. So move with the approach by upgrading all packages that support version 17. After that, I fixed all the errors that came in the terminal. so at last I got ...
Deepak Singh's user avatar
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Error in The target entry-point "ng2-slim-loading-bar" has missing dependencies: rxjs/Observable

I have tried the following steps but nothing worked: uninstalling and reinstalling the ng2-slim-loading-bar package. Delete package-lock.json and node_modules file and reinstalling the dependencies ...
Deepankar Deovrat's user avatar
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migration angular 8 to 9

while migration from angular 8 to 9, i installed angular dependecies one by one using npm i (@angular/core, @angular/cli @angular/material ect ...) reading the documentation using ng update must fix ...
DEV's user avatar
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Angular keyvaluepipe with return 0 is not returning the value of the object

I'm having issues where the {{item}} are not being shown in separate list, after I added returnZero for keyvalue (so that key is not sorted), it is giving me an error for section.value and wouldn't ...
user7046311's user avatar
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angular lib skip resolve npm package

I have a angular lib and it is named 'ngx-qwe'. The 'ngx-qwe' quote a npm package 'ngx-asd'. The 'asd' package has build error when i build 'qwe' I use 'ng build ngx-qwe --configuration production' to ...
Allen's user avatar
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Creating an array of observables based off a condition and then reducing that array to one observable

I have two types of observables A & B, they return the same item type but are accessible by separate APIs. With a list of id's which can be for either A or B. These observables return data for a ...
stack's user avatar
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How can I set observables based off a condition in a for loop and return them as one

I need to loop through a list of id's, checking each for an if condition and then based on the result of that if condition, get an observable from a method. I need to list the returned observables ...
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