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Javascript touch event on mobile not working

When adding a touchstart and touchend event listener to my window or my document it just doesnt work when touching or swiping the screen on mobile document.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) =>...
Mathijs Van melick's user avatar
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How to prevent hammer.js stop the page scrolling?

I'm using hammer integrated with svg-pan-zoom ( I would like to let the page scroll panning in vertical direction even ...
Tobia's user avatar
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How to enable Vertical Swipe with Hammer.js in Angular 17 (standalone component)

I tried to implement the vertical swipe with Hammer.js and Angular 17 but it's not working. I'm trying to do a tinder-like app, so I want to be able to swipe right, swipe left and swipe up. I found ...
Baptiste MARTY's user avatar
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how to use some animation on leftswipe and rightswipe in angular13?

i want some animation on a material card on left swipe and right swipe, how to achieve? I have tried hammer js, please provide me some documentation.
user1722366's user avatar
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Angular - Sliding sidebar sometimes does not register the first click

I have implemented a sliding sidebar in my web-app for mobile users. The sliding listener is imported from hammerjs. <app-nav-bar></app-nav-bar> <div class="site-content"> &...
Lazar's user avatar
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Using Hammer + chart + chart plugin zoom not work in mobile

I am encountering an issue with the drag functionality on mobile devices in a Chart.js chart that utilizes the chartjs-plugin-zoom and hammer.js. The chart works as expected on desktop browsers, but ...
Santiago Santos isma's user avatar
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Problem with jquery and hammer.js when using

I created a jquery function to be able to scroll a list of items back and forth, and it works perfectly with the mouse wheel. Now I plan to use hammer.js to apply the same logic with touch, but I am ...
Francesco Pauselli's user avatar
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What can I do to fix the jerky movement of my swipe animation with Vue 3 and Hammer.js?

I have been trying to achieve this effect for days and I just don't understand what I might be doing wrong or what is coming into play when I do this type of animation. All I want is to detect a click ...
Pnemonic's user avatar
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Gesture Swipe in Angular 16 Application Using Hammer js not working

When i upgrade my app to Angular 16, hammerjs config not working with the config below main.ts @Injectable() export class MyHammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig { overrides = <any>{ ...
wissem chiha's user avatar
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Browser picking wrong version of hammerjs

I have an angular application where inside package.json file I see hammerjs version as 2.0.8. Inside package-lock.json file also I see the same version info as 2.0.8 only. When I execute the command '...
Raj's user avatar
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Swipeable react component always starts from same [0.0] position

I'm trying to develop a swipe component using React w/ Redux and hammerjs. The problem is that each time I move my component the position.x and position.y start from [0,0] and not from the current ...
user3466681's user avatar
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How to position image on canvas same as overlaped div of same dimension

I have two div of same dimension which overlap each other using z-index. Ist div contain image and 2nd div contain a canvas I am trying to draw image on canvas same place as Ist div. I am using ...
user3146565's user avatar
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Instagram Story Progress Bar

I'm building something similar to the instagram story function with HTML, TailwindCSS and JavaScript. I have 6 different slides where I'm navigating with touch taps with hammerJS. At the top I have 6 ...
xmaxiy's user avatar
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Event after swipe fires multiple times hammer.js

I use hammer.js to create a T*nder-Style swiping. After swipe right for love or left for nope, I want to start some scripts. In my approach It actually fires multiple times after swipe to right or ...
mm1975's user avatar
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Hammerjs is not detecting swipe movement

I'm using Hammerjs 2.0.8 with Nuxt, and I can't seem to make it detect swipe motion. Here's how I've done the setup. If I change the recognizer to [Hammer.Pan, { direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ...
Afiq Rosli's user avatar

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