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Javascript touch event on mobile not working

When adding a touchstart and touchend event listener to my window or my document it just doesnt work when touching or swiping the screen on mobile document.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) =>...
Mathijs Van melick's user avatar
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Using Hammer + chart + chart plugin zoom not work in mobile

I am encountering an issue with the drag functionality on mobile devices in a Chart.js chart that utilizes the chartjs-plugin-zoom and hammer.js. The chart works as expected on desktop browsers, but ...
Santiago Santos isma's user avatar
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iOS 13 has broke part of an app using cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport and hammerjs

After updating to iOS 13.x my Angular Apps Swipe gesture is no longer working properly to show side menu items. After updating it fails to to lock the cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport leading to undesired ...
Ian's user avatar
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hammer js > how to block horizontal panning during page scroll

I've got a page where I put some horizontal slideshows, and have added panning and swipe to them. Sadly, when scrolling on mobile devices, if you scroll above the slideshows, hammer will recognize ...
Luca Reghellin's user avatar
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HammerJS vertical swipe and VERTICAL scroll simultaneously

I have a fullpage web site on angular 5, which do pagination by vertical swipe down and up (on desctop version is listening for wheel events). On mobile I met a serious problem with non-hiding address ...
MR.QUESTION's user avatar
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Hammertime vertical scroll not working

I am using Hammerjs/Hammertime to implement a swipe feature on mobile and can't seem to get it to work with vertical scrolling. Works fine when I swipe horizontally. Here is my code: var ...
red house 87's user avatar
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Vertical scroll on mobile - hammer.js element in page

There are a million similar questions but I can't find an answer that works for me. Here is the situation: I have an HTML page, and within that page is an element that I am using hammer.js on. Need ...
Chris's user avatar
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Hammer.js change threshold for pressup

I'm using only Press on an Element. I changed the threshold to 1000 to be able to scroll while pressing. But the pressup event doesnt fire if I scrolled. Is there a way to define a threshold for the ...
vinni's user avatar
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Hammer JS Tap and Press on Mobile

I'm trying to build the following for mobile browsers: I have a row of boxes. Each box holds additional information underneath and a href to another website. When I scroll the page via a certain box ...
vinni's user avatar
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Smooth zoom mobile div elements

I have a webpage where I show some PDFs converted in HTML5 with this awesome tool called pdf2htmlEX. In the same page I make a navigation bar. If I use mobile devices and I zoom with pinch-to-zoom ...
Tenaciousd93's user avatar
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Hammer JS swipe not working on the document body

I'm using HammerJS to detect left swipes on touch screen devices. I'm trying to open a slide-out menu every time the user swipes left anywhere on the page when browsing on a touch-screen device. It ...
Snowman's user avatar
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Does hammer.js handle touchmove?

Is that hammer.js only handle touchstart/touchend, and it doesn't handle touchmove? For my app, I need to know the path of the touch, the more details, the better. Thanks Patrick
user1057019's user avatar
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Hammerjs long press on mobile

I'm using Hammer.js v2.0.4 for this app that's being developed. The idea is when you tap a bottom a modal (modal-one) pops up, and if you press for 500ms (or more) another modal is shown (modal-two). ...
finw3's user avatar
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Hammer.js pan event only for touch devices and not for desktop computer Click+Drag

I use this standard code for Pan / Pinch (1) with Hammer.js : var mc = new Hammer(document.body); mc.add(new Hammer.Pinch({ threshold: 0 })).recognizeWith(mc.get('pan')); // let the pan gesture ...
Basj's user avatar
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Why is "event.offsetX" undefined when "touchstart" event?

I'm trying to capture the position of the touchstart relative to an element (".canvas") Is there any possibility to capture this event offsetX and offsetY? $(".canvas").on("mousemove", function(...
Caio Biodere's user avatar

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