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Difference between panend and pancancel in Hammer.js?

I can't find the difference anywhere in the documentation between panend and pancancel handlers for pan events in Hammer.js documentation - what is the difference between the two? I imagine swiping ...
Adam Thompson's user avatar
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Pan events in ios 13 aren't behaving as expected

I'm trying to fix a bug that appears only on iOS13 with a horizontally scrolling image gallery. We're using Hammer.js, and users are able to swipe left (to get the next image) properly, but they aren'...
JJKorn's user avatar
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How to stop Hammer js events from firing from inner elements?

I have found some answers to this issue, but didn't worked for me. I'm using Hammer js for a slideshow. The slideshow items can contain images and links. I setted pointer-events: none on the images. ...
Luca Reghellin's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to pan and then immediately pinch with hammer js?

I'm using hammerjs like this this.hammer = new Hammer.Manager(this.canvas); const pinch = new Hammer.Pinch(); const pan = new Hammer.Pan({ threshold: 5, }); this.hammer.add([pinch, pan]); But if I ...
Totty.js's user avatar
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Panning gesture hovering HTML elements

How is possible to achieve hovering effect over elements in container via pan gesture? HTML: <div class="container"> <div class="item"></div> <div class="item"></div>...
metamarket's user avatar
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Using pan along with swipe is not working in Hammer.JS

I have a grid where pan should be used for multiple selection of grid rows. Swipe should be used from scrolling the rows. When I use both pan and swipe always pan fires not swipe. I tried ...
user1445817's user avatar
7 votes
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hammer.js pan limit—how to set boundaries

I currently have this code: var hammertime = new Hammer(canvasContainer); var x0, y0; hammertime.on('panstart', function(ev){ x0=stage.position.x; y0=stage.position.y; }); hammertime.on('pan', ...
Mirror318's user avatar
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Pass argument to angular hammer function besides event

I want to call a function on a hammer pan and I want to pass a custom value/argument with it. <div hm-panmove="startPan('customString')"></div> I thought I could use something like this: ...
Merc's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Pinch event triggers pan event in Hammer.js

I'm writing a small mobile gesture rocognizer using Hammer.js library. Unfortunately it seems that when the user pinchs in or pinchs out, Hammer,js triggers also some pan events. I think it happens ...
Antonio Giovanni Schiavone's user avatar
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Hammer.js - does not change while panning on Android

I'm trying to get Hammer update the element while using the "pan" event on mobile Android (so far only checked 4.2). The problem is if I attach Hammer to the ul and pan along the li ...
Vall's user avatar
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How to avoid svg disappearing while zooming and panning?

I am trying to build a zoomable map for mobile devices with the help of hammer.js: (try out in Opera on a mobile device). I was ...
user2747108's user avatar