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unable to login to chatgpt on broswers supported by os 10.11

I am on os 10.11 (el capitan) and on none of the browsers I have the chatgpt's login button does not work, as if i am not clicking on the login button, nothing happens and I am not able to use chatgpt!...
salierr benith's user avatar
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MacOs El Capitan throwing an error when I compile using pyinstaller

So, I am trying to build a python app using Py installer on MacOS. I am doing this on El Capitan because it will be run on many different Macs which can all run different versions of MacOS, and I need ...
Smartie's user avatar
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setting java 18 on my iMac as default version from java 8

so, I got a new external monitor for my iMac, and was downloading the latest Java -- java18 -- from java 8. I hadn't used the machine for years, but since getting my new monitor a couple weeks ago, I'...
Straitsfan's user avatar
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Send email with python from localhost [duplicate]

I was using my gmail account to send email from a python script on OSX 10.11, but recently Google has forbidden "Less Secure App" to access its accounts. So I'm looking for alternatives and ...
Neuran's user avatar
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minkube error: "Exiting due to RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES"..Is it possible to start minikube on this Mac with 2 CPU cores?

I want to start minikube to learn Kubernetes but am having trouble because of error RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES. My mac has 2 CPU cores and minikube docs say that 2 cores are required. Here a the machine ...
botanyhelp's user avatar
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How can I install php version 7.4 on mac osx 10.11 El Capitan? [duplicate]

I tried to install php 7.4 on my mac osx without homebrew, because I am not able to update homebrew anymore. curl -s | bash -s 7.4 I get the error Did or could not ...
peace_love's user avatar
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How to resolve Terminal error/messaging somehow related to rbenv

I've been receiving the following error/messaging right after I start up Terminal. This started happening after multiple attempts to install sass (which is another issue on its own). I've since ...
jowebdev's user avatar
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OSX El Capitan localhost webserver stopped working after changing file permissions and restarting

I broke the apache2 webserver in el capitan. Was trying to assign read write execute to all files within /Library/Webserver/Documents/ the two commands that broke localhost are: sudo chmod -R 777 /...
J---'s user avatar
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mac os 10.11 el capitan apache loacalhost/~username 404 not found

I try to access to my localhost/~gauthier but I have a 404 not found. When I go to my http://localhost it's works ! "apachectl configtest" command give me "Syntax OK" "httpd -v" : Server version: ...
Gotah's user avatar
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Problems installing ffmpeg on Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan [closed]

I tried installing it using homebrew and also tried to clone but it always ends up failing building. I don't find the cause. Is it because of my operating system being old? homebrew install fail ...
violet's user avatar
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OCaml Graphics Error Unbound module mac OSX

I'm on OSX 10.11.6 (and sometimes 10.13.6). I've done the following (per brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz brew install ocaml brew install pkg-config ...
solstice333's user avatar
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Batch copy/update of timestamps from one set of files to another existing set of files

I've successfully restored a backup of a very large and deeply-nested directory. However, the newly restored files have timestamps from when they were restored, not when the originals were created, ...
user3558488's user avatar
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Upgrade MacBook Air from OS X El Capitan to Mojave [closed]

My mac specifications are on the photo above .. I'm afraid about upgrading my mac from El Capitan to Mojave and I'm asking : am I going to lose my installed software? am I going to lose my data ? ...
Med Karim Garali's user avatar
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install opencv python mac osx 10.11?

I'm trying to install opencv so I can use it in a python program. My computer is a little old and I can't update osx past 10.11. Is it still possible to install opencv? I don't need it to be opencv4 ...
Ethan Seidenberg's user avatar
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Can homebrew R and "standard" R for MacOS from CRAN coexist?

I am running R 3.6.1 on a Mac Mini running Sierra and a MacBook Pro running El Capitan. I normally get all the R packages that I need from CRAN or github and use them without issues, but I am trying ...
Marco Plebani's user avatar

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