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How to write post request in vuejs [duplicate]

I know how to send get and post requests in js, but I stuck this error longer than 1day(I can't solve that) I decided to create fetch post request in vuejs to my local server which is running in ...
Alijon Murodov's user avatar
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Vue throws an error due to Multiple spaces found when I try to align a commment

I am trying to comment some Vue code on a template like this: showSelectedValue: { // ------- showSelectedValue ------- type: Boolean, // Switches between showing ...
SamFF's user avatar
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Why and how can I embed a Youtube video on my Vue web app? (Blocked due to X-Content-Type-Options)

I'm trying to embed youtube videos on my vue and it won't let me because of that policy. I've installed an NPM package but it's a little broken and I don't know if it will keep working in the future. ...
Jonathan Blazquez's user avatar
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Failed to load module script (vue.js & express)

My frontend is Vue.js and I build it and run it with express.js but I get this error index.9235fea6.js:1 Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with ...
API youtube's user avatar
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Can I integrate Vue-Email in Nest.js to use with Novu Workflows?

I need to create Novu workflows and integrate Vue Email templates within these workflows. My backend is built with Nest.js, and Novu is already integrated. I'm unsure how a Frontend library can be ...
Shehwar's user avatar
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'npm run dev' result: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/ddev/project-name/node_modules/@vue/apollo-composable/src/useApolloClient.ts']

I took over a Craft CMS project, which I successfully upgraded to the latest version of Craft 5. When I run the command needed to build the JS and CSS files npm run dev I get the following error: ...
cjhdev82's user avatar
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NODEJS server with VUEJS and websockets, STOPS at 60 seconds

I have the following architecture: VUE JS ----> NODEJS REST ---> PYTHON REST API (FLASK) THe backend streams data properly. The nodeJS part is with websockets like this:'/start-...
Luis Valencia's user avatar
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Tailwind CSS not working with Vite.js in a Node.js application

I'm trying to integrate Tailwind CSS into a Vite.js-powered Node.js application, but I'm having trouble getting the styles to apply correctly. I've followed the official Tailwind CSS and Vite.js ...
sofies's user avatar
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Amplify deployment error with no error after build

I've been going crazy for several days now. I have a project with vue3 that is deployed to amplify from bitbucket. There is no pipeline or anything, just the amplify.yml which I don't even have in the ...
GDP's user avatar
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How can I make vue app loaded more than six tabs

I have a strange problem that even I don't know what is the source. I have a vue app, which works without any problem but if I open the in the 7th or more tab the request doesn't get response and it ...
xxlali's user avatar
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Deprecation Warning in Vue 3 with Sass: Styles Not Applying Correctly

I'm working on a Vue 3 project and recently encountered the following deprecation warning in the terminal: Deprecation Warning: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be ...
Salman Patni's user avatar
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Vue js cookies are not stored

If I use the cookies via node js const user_token = jwt.sign(user, process.env.SRC_PASSWORD, { expiresIn: "1h" }); res.cookie("token", user_token, { httpOnly: true, secure: ...
Julian Bausch's user avatar
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How to find loadsh dependency

I am running an older version of laravel (6) in combination with vue2. I recently received a vulnerability alert regarding loadsh. I have tried to look for the package and could not find it either in ...
Jeremy Burchwell's user avatar
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How to create a standalone embeddable script from an internal Vue component?

I have a Vue application, and within, I have a component, which I reuse throughout the app. It's located in src/components. I'd now like to make it so this component can be embedded into other ...
CentoKili53's user avatar
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Getting net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) at http://localhost:5173/@vite/client in vite project

I have set up a Vite project for vuejs, following the quick start guide to learn the workflow of application development. However, upon launching the app on chrome (or any other browser for that ...
Amittras Pal's user avatar

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