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Drawing the Steinmetz solid with TikZ

I want to draw the Steinmetz solid, the volume enclosed by two cilinder of same radius intersecting orthogonaly. I have so far been able to draw the circles in 3D and the lines till their ...
TeX Apprentice's user avatar
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Pgfplot tikz 3d curve on surface plot

I would like to create a plot similar to this one using tikz pgfplots: I was checking the documentation, but could not find anything similar. The surface plot is generated by f(x,y) = x + y. The ...
MLEnthusiast's user avatar
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How to achieve one point perspective for a given tikz-3dplot?

I am trying to replicate this drawing with tikz-3dplot: I have already done the main drawing (above, second image), but I cannot achieve the perspective. I tried with the perspective library and some ...
Lorenzo Carozzo's user avatar
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Shifting Origin of Coordinate Systems with Custom Axes

I want to draw a second coordinate system at position (0,0,2). Here is my code: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8} \begin{document} \begin{...
Dude's user avatar
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Placing multiple Coordinate Systems in one Image

I want to visualize two coordinate systems in one image. Minimal working example: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{...
Dude's user avatar
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Plot non-paramatic polygon on 3D sphere for mapping

Rephrased post My goal is, that I would like to plot the visible coastlines of the continents depending on the defined viewing angle using tikz like you can see in this example: My approach is, that ...
Andy0506's user avatar
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3D graph - issues filling space between curves and xy-plane

So I have a bunch of datasets stored in several .dat files that I have drawn on a 3D graph to show the data evolution according to a third parameter. In order to make the graph prettier, I would like ...
Marck's user avatar
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Bug in tikz-3dplot ? \tdplotsetrotatedcoordsorigin and \node not working together

It seems that \node is not working correctly with \tdplotsetrotatedcoordsorigin although \draw node is: when using \tdplotsetrotatedcoordsorigin{(Point)}, all nodes created with \node are placed at (...
Egomet's user avatar
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Fill a 3D object plot

I want to draw an object in 3D an fill it entirely. The object is defined in [0,1]^3, and I know the upper limit function, and lower limit function. The problem is I know how to draw the upper and ...
G. Ander's user avatar
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How to draw and color a spherical cap of arbitrary radius at a given point in a sphere using Tikz

I was wondering if there was an easy way of drawing and coloring a spherical cap centred at a certain point in a sphere. I have seen relationed questions like this one, but the spherical cap cannot be ...
Rober's user avatar
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How is It possible to draw 2 merging spherical caps with tikz?

I am trying to reproduce a figure using only tikz. I have produced the figure using Inkscape but I am wondering if I can do it fully in Latex. This is the aimed figure : And with the help of some ...
Waxler's user avatar
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3D path rotations in plain TikZ

I apologize if this has an answer elsewhere; I've looked at many questions and could not find a solution. Here are some of the posts I looked at (maybe they do answer it and I'm just not smart enough ...
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Change orientation of spiral in this 3d tikz image

I am trying to create a '3d' image using different viewing angles in Tikz (see MWE below). The image I have created can be see at this link. My issue is that the spiral I have created is not aligned ...
Sid's user avatar
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How to duplicate a pattern inside 3d-tikz?

I currently have a "cell" look like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{tikz-3dplot} \usetikzlibrary{patterns,arrows,positioning,3d,calc,fadings,shapes,...
Stephanie Yao's user avatar
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How to draw this 3d (tikz) picture more clearly?

I want to draw this picture (The GeoGebra Sketch) in tikz and this is what I have currently The picture compiles like this, which seems a bit messy since I can only assign a whole line to be solid or ...
Stephanie Yao's user avatar

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