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The Syncfusion .NET MAUI Calendar (SfCalendar) allows user to select a single date, multiple dates, or ranges of dates easily. It provides month, year, decade, and century views for navigating quickly to the desired date. It supports minimum dates, maximum dates, enabling past dates, and disabling dates to restrict date selection.

Multiple calendar view modes

Use month, year, decade, and century calendar views for selection and navigation.

Month view in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Year view in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Decade view in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Century view in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Enable and disable built-in view switching

Restrict or enable navigation among different calendar views through interaction.

Month view single selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Year view single selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Decade view single selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Century view single selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Date selection

Select a single date, multiple dates, a range of dates, or multiple ranges of dates through interaction and programmatically.

Single selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Single selection

Multiple selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Multiple selection

Range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Range selection

Multiple range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Multiple range selection

Range selection direction

Enhance range selection behavior with different range selection directions: default, forward, backward, both, and none.

Forward range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Forward range selection

Backward range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Backward range selection

Both range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Both range selection

None range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

None range selection

Calendar pop-up

Show the Calendar in a pop-up with the dialog mode. The relative dialog mode is used to align the calendar in a specific position that makes the app look more impressive in the UI.

Dialog mode in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Calendar identifier

Customize the calendar based on different cultures and regions. The supported identifiers are Gregorian, Hijri, Korean, Persian, Taiwan, Thai Buddhist, and UmAlQura.

Month view calendar identifier in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Limit date selection

Restrict interaction and navigation beyond specified minimum and maximum dates.

Limit date selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Week numbers

Display the week number of the year in calendar month view.

Week number in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Change first day of week

Change the starting day of the week in month view. The first day by default is Sunday.

First day of week in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Selectable day predicate

Disable interaction for calendar view dates.

Selectable day predicate in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Today and action buttons

Use built-in action buttons to confirm or cancel the selected date, dates, and range of dates in calendar views and quickly navigate to the today view using a today button.

Action button and today button in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Special day icon

Customize special days with icons such as dots, hearts, diamonds, stars, and bells in the month view and also customize the icon color.

Special day icon in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Highlight weekends and special dates

Customize the background color and text style for special dates and weekends in the month view.

Weekend days highlighted in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Highlight weekends

Special dates highlighted in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Highlight special dates

Cell template

Customize the month, year, decade, and century cells with a data template.

Month cell template in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Month cell template

Decade cell template in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Decade cell template

Right-to-left (RTL) direction

Right-to-left rendering for different calendar views.

Right-to-left rendering in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Display the calendar views based on globalized date and time formats.

Globalization for month view in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Globalization for year view in .NET MAUI Calendar.


Color scheme

Customize the color scheme of elements such as calendar view cells, the month view header, and the header of the calendar.

Light teal color scheme in .NET MAUI Calendar.

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