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The .NET MAUI SignaturePad is an interactive UI control that allows users to capture smooth and realistic signatures. Also, users can save their signatures as images and sync them across devices and documents that need signatures. Fingers, pen, or mouse can be used on a tablet, touchscreen, etc., to draw signatures on this SignaturePad control.

.NET MAUI SignaturePad overview.


The appearance of the .NET Maui SignaturePad is highly customizable.

.NET MAUI SignaturePad stroke color.

Stroke color

The stroke color of the Maui SignaturePad can easily be customized to the desired color.

.NET MAUI SignaturePad stroke thickness.

Stroke thickness

Users can set the minimum and maximum stroke thickness for the signatures.

Realistic, handwritten signature look and feel

The unique stroke rendering algorithm draws a signature based on the speed of the gesture drawing along with minimum and maximum stroke thicknesses, which gives a realistic handwritten look and feel to the signature.

Save signatures as images

Save the drawn signature as an image. This converted image can be embedded in documents, PDFs, and anything else that supports using images to denote a signature.

.NET MAUI SignaturePad saves signatures as images.


Events occur whenever you start and finish drawing in the SignaturePad.

.NET MAUI SignaturePad Code Example

Easily get started with the .NET MAUI SignaturePad using a few simple lines of C# code as demonstrated below.

<signature:SfSignaturePad HeightRequest="350" />
public MainPage()
    SfSignaturePad signature = new SfSignaturePad();
    signature.HeightRequest = 350;
    this.Content = signature;

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