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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection is a British magazine published by Eaglemoss Collections. Each fortnightly issue contains a starship model and an accompanying magazine. The magazine was launched in the United Kingdom in 2012. There are special issues in addition to the regular issues. The models in these are larger than the regular models and come without an accompanying magazine.

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UK issues[]

No. Cover Model
1 Cover image. USS Enterprise-D, Galaxy-class starship
2 USS Enterprise, refit Constitution-class starship
3 Klingon bird-of-prey, B'rel-class
4 Enterprise, NX-class starship
5 Romulan warbird, D'deridex-class starship
6 USS Voyager, Intrepid-class starship
7 K't'inga-class battle cruiser
8 USS Excelsior, Excelsior-class starship
9 USS Defiant, Defiant-class starship
10 Borg sphere
11 USS Reliant, Miranda-class starship
12 USS Thunderchild, Akira-class starship
13 Jem'Hadar battlecruiser
14 Cardassian Galor-class starship
15 Cover image. USS Equinox, Nova-class starship
16 Ferengi marauder, D'Kora-class starship
17 Cover image. USS Dauntless, Dauntless-class starship
18 Bajoran solar-sailor
19 USS Stargazer, Constellation-class starship
20 Klingon attack cruiser Vor'cha-class starship
21 USS Enterprise-E, Sovereign-class starship
22 Krenim temporal weapon ship
23 Nebula-class starship, USS Honshu
24 Cover image. Xindi-Insectoid warship, Olaen-class.
25 USS Prometheus, Prometheus-class starship
26 Tholian starship (2152)
27 Romulan bird-of-prey (2152)
28 Maquis raider, Val Jean
29 Jem'Hadar fighter
30 Cover image. Nausicaan fighter, pirate ship
31 Romulan warbird Valdore, Mogai-class starship
32 Starfleet runabout, Danube-class (USS Orinoco)
33 Cardassian Hideki-class starship
34 Cover image. Vulcan Suurok-class (Sh'Raan-class starship)
35 Klingon bird-of-prey scout ship (22nd century)
36 Oberth-class starship, USS Grissom
37 Andorian battle cruiser, Kumari-class starship
38 Starfleet Delta Flyer, shuttlecraft
39 T'liss-class Romulan drone, holo drone
40 Cover image. USS Enterprise-B, refit Excelsior-class starship
41 Cover image. Klingon Raptor-class starship (IKS Somraw)
42 USS Pasteur, Olympic-class starship
43 Species 8472 bioship
44 Cover image. SS Intrepid, Intrepid-class starship
45 Malon export vessel, freighter
46 USS Enterprise-C, Ambassador-class starship
47 Klingon IKS Negh'Var, Negh'Var-class starship
48 Armored USS Voyager, Intrepid-class starship
49 ECS Fortunate, Y-class freighter
50 USS Enterprise, Constitution-class starship
51 Hirogen hunter
52 USS Centaur, Centaur-class starship
53 Klingon augment's attack ship
54 Cover image. USS Appalachia, Steamrunner-class frigate
55 Vulcan D'Kyr type
56 USS Yeager, Saber-class light cruiser
57 Romulan Bird-of-Prey (2260s), warship
58 Borg tactical cube
59 Cover image. USS Relativity, Wells-class timeship
60 Cover image. SS Botany Bay DY-100-class
61 Cover image. USS Budapest, Norway-class starship
62 Voth research vessel (Palisade-class)
63 Antares NCC-501 (Antares-class)
64 Phoenix (warp-ship prototype)
65 Xindi-Aquatic cruiser (Narcine-class)
66 USS Raven NAR-32450 (Aerie-class)
67 Klingon D7-class battlecruiser
68 Federation attack fighter
69 Breen warship (Chel Grett-class)
70 Voth City Ship
71 Goroth's Klingon transport ship (DujHod-class)
72 USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A (Constitution-class refit)
73 Renegade Borg ship
74 Bajoran raider
75 Cover image. Cousteau, Enterprise-E captain's yacht
76 Baxial, Neelix's ship
77 Cover image. Romulan shuttle
78 USS Voyager aeroshuttle
79 Class J starship Stella
80 USS Talon (NCC-75227)
81 Xindi-Reptilian Contortrix-class warship
82 Warp Delta
83 Bajoran Perikian-class
84 NX-Alpha
85 Federation holoship
86 Cover image. Gorn Ddraig-class warship
87 UTS Aeon
88 Vahklas
89 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J)
90 Romulan Lanora-class scout
91 USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)
92 Cover image. Medusan starship
93 ECS Horizon
94 Suliban Veil-class
95 New Orleans-class
96 Cover image. Orion scout ship
97 Cover image. Starfleet Academy trainer craft
98 USS Rhode Island (NCC-72701)
99 assimilated Arctic One
100 Daedalus-class
101 Antares-class Bajoran freighter
102 Klingon D5 class
103 Vidiian warship
104 USS Jenolan (NCC-2010)
105 Amarie-class
106 Kazon raider
107 B'rel-class Klingon bird-of-prey
108 Cheyenne-class
109 Borg Queen's diamond
110 Springfield-class
111 Captain Proton's rocket ship
112 USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)
113 Lokirrim Pavteal-class
114 Challenger-class
115 Tellarite Pralim-class
116 USS Curry (NCC-42554)
117 Ferengi Acquisition-class
118 Freedom-class
119 Hirogen holoship
120 USS Bozeman (NCC-1941)
121 SS Xhosa
122 USS Yeager (NCC-65674)
123 Romulan Talon-class
124 Cover image. SS Emmette
125 Alice
126 Niagara-class
127 Eymorg starship
128 Cover image. Renaissance (OV-165)
129 Tholian Spinner-class
130 Borg interceptor
131 Arctic One
132 Cover image. Warship Voyager
133 Irina's racing ship
134 Vulcan survey ship
135 Dala's Delta Flyer (impostor)
136 Cardassian Keldon-class
137 Xindi-Primate Ateleth-class
138 USS Lantree (NCC-1837)
139 Cover image. Vaadwaur Pythus-class assault fighter
140 Federation tug
141 T'Pau (NSP-17938)
142 Promellian battlecruiser
143 Merchantman
144 Gomtuu
145 Nightingale (Medical Transport 136)
146 Fesarius
147 Fortune (BC-01)
148 Jem'Hadar battleship
149 Krenim warship
150 Cover image. USS Antares (NCC-9844)
151 B'omar patrol ship
152 USS ExcelsiorNCC-2000 prototype
153 Devore warship
154 Klingon transport
155 Vulcan survey vessel D'Vahl
156 Cover image. USS Melbourne (NCC-62043)
157 CDS Groumall (CUV-2700)
158 USS ExcelsiorNCC-2000 prototype
159 Antares-class Batris
160 Sarajevo NC-27
161 Void ship
162 SS Lakul (NFT-7793)
163 Orion interceptor
164 USS ExcelsiorNCC-2000 prototype
165 Karemma Freighter-class
166 Tamarian deep space cruiser
167 Axanar cargo ship
168 Suliban freighter
169 Kes' shuttle
170 Norcadian Tsunkatse arena ship
171 Denobulan medical ship Barzai
172 Xindi-Insectoid Castroi-class
173 Arcos
174 Cover image. Archer's toy ship
175 Pakled vessel Mondor
176 Tarellian starship
177 Sheliak colony ship
178 Husnock warship
179 Vidiian Savior-class
180 Borg cube


Starships Collection bonus issues[]

Sharing the size of the models from the regular collection, these models represent ships and other spacecraft with a special status.

No. Cover Model
1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), Galaxy X-class refit
2 Cover image. ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (Mirror issue 1)
3 Cover image. ISS Enterprise (NX-01) (Mirror issue 2)
4 Cover image. ISS Defiant (NX-74205) (Mirror issue 3)
5 Cover image. USS Titan (NCC-80102), Luna-class
6 Cover image. USS Aventine (NCC-82602), Vesta-class
7 Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C), Narendra-class
8 Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Phase II Jefferies-class
9 Cover image. B'rel-class bird of prey, landing position
10 Cover image. USS Defiant (NCC-1764) in interphase
11 Cover image. USS Voyager (NCC-73602), Intrepid-class variant
12 Cover image. USS Bonaventure (NCC-1000), Bonaventure-class
13 Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F), Odyssey-class
13A Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F), Odyssey-class
14 Cover image. USS Altair, Altair-class
15 Cover image. USS Voyager (NCC-74656), Borg-enhanced Intrepid-class
16 Cover image. USS Defiant (NX-74205), Defiant-class
17 Cover image. ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (Mirror issue 4)
18 Cover image. Class F shuttlecraft variant Al-Biruni (NCC-1701/5)
19 Cover image. Phase II shuttlecraft variant Zhang Sui (NCC-1701/9)
20 Cover image. SS Conestoga, Discovery-class colony ship
21 Cover image. Klingon D4 class
22 Cover image. Cardassian orbital weapons platform
23 Cover image. Friendship 1
24 Cover image. USS Reliant (NCC-1864) (concept)
25 Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) ("The Cage")
26 Cover image. USS Armstrong (NCC-1769)
27 Cover image. USS Mayflower (NCC-1621).
28 Cover image. USS Newton (NCC-1727)
29 Cover image. USS Valiant (NCC-6089), Valiant-class
37 Cover image. Cravic starship, APU battleship
37A Cover image. Pralor starship, APU battleship


Starships Collection special issues[]

At a larger size of the models from the regular collection, these models represent ships and other spacecraft with a special status. Gold-coated models are at regular size, however.

No. Cover Model
1 Deep Space 9
2 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
3 USS Vengeance
4 D4 class bird of prey
5 USS Kelvin (NCC-0514)
6 SS Enterprise (NX-01)
7 Jellyfish
8 USS Franklin (NX-326)
9 Altamid swarm ship
10 Deep Space Station K-7
11 Cover image. USS Enterprise (XCV-330)
12 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
13 D7 class (Kelvin timeline)
14 USS Kobayashi Maru (ECS-1022)
15 Earth Spacedock
16 Cover image. V'ger
17 Doomsday machine
18 Reman warbird Scimitar
19 Son'a flagship
20 gold USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
21 Surak (VS 5047 6119225984-5)
22 T'Plana-Hath
23 gold USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
24 Regula 1
25 Son'a collector
26 Cover image. Relay Station 47
27 Cover image. Son'a battleship
28 Jupiter Station
29 Ty'Gokor orbital station
30 Caretaker's array


Starships Collection XL-edition issues[]

Intended to be the largest size of the models from the regular collection, like the Special issues, these models also represent ships and other spacecraft with a special status. Unlike the Specials, which are not produced at regular size, the XL edition reproduces ship classes previously released at a smaller size. On Starfleet ships, the name and registry number may be different from the regular release.

The 31st issue, depicting the Constellation-class starship USS Stargazer (NCC-2893), was cancelled.

No. Cover Model
1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
2 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
3 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
4 Enterprise (NX-01)
5 USS Voyager (NCC-74656)
6 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)
7 USS Defiant (NX-74205)
8 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)
9 USS Reliant (NCC-1864)
10 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C)
11 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
12 USS Thunderchild (NCC-63549)
13 B'rel-class Klingon bird-of-prey
14 USS Orinoco (NCC-72905)
15 USS Excelsior (NCC-2000)
16 Romulan D'deridex-class warbird
17 Deep Space 9
18 Klingon K't'inga-class
19 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J)
20 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
21 USS Discovery (NCC-1031)
22 USS Shenzhou (NCC-1227)
23 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
24 Delta Flyer
25 La Sirena
26 Cover image. USS Bonchune (NCC-70915)
27 Cover image. USS Equinox (NCC-72381)
28 Cover image. USS Pegasus (NCC-53847)
29 Cover image. USS Discovery (NCC-1031-A)
30 Cover image. USS Prometheus (NX-59650)


Starships Collection shuttle issues[]

Federation shuttlecraft and other Starfleet-operated small craft have been collected in sets of four vessels, smaller than regular models.

No. Cover Model
01 Class F Galileo (NCC-1701/7)
02 Cover image. Type 6 Goddard (NCC-1701-D/15)
03 Cover image. Type 10 Chaffee (NX-74205/01)
04 Cover image. Type 9 Cochrane
05 executive shuttle SD-103
06 OTV type K42 Pod 1 (NX-01)
07 Cover image. Type 7 Hawking (NCC-1701-D/03)
08 Type 15 Aldrin (NCC-1701-D/02)
09 Cover image. Type 17 Argo (Cargo Shuttle 5)
10 Cover image. unnamed Type-11 shuttlecraft
11 travel pod Travel Pod 05
12 workbee CMU 73
13 transport shuttlecraft Shuttle 12091
14 passenger shuttle Shuttle 2 (NCC-1701)
15 med evac shuttle Shuttle 43 (NCC-0514)
16 Shuttlecraft Warrant (NCC-1701/2)
17 Starfleet air tram Air Tram 3
18 orbital shuttle Orbital Shuttle 5
19 Cover image. Type 4 Galileo (NCC-1701-A/5)
20 Cover image. Type-8 shuttlecraft Tereshkova (74656)
21 Sphinx workpod John Henry (Workpod 12)
22 Cover image. Type 18 NX-74205/01
23 Type 06 Hawking (NCC-1701-D/15)
24 Type 18H (Starfleet Command 4)
25 Captain's yacht Calypso
26 docking shuttle
27 Cover image. Cyrano Jones' Spacematic
28 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle (NCC-1701-D)
29 Vulcan shuttle
30 Xindi-Insectoid assault shuttle
31 Ferengi Na'Far-class shuttle
Toron class shuttle 2370

Ship image.

Klingon Toron-class shuttle


Star Trek: Discovery (DSC) issues[]

STDSC Starships logo

Logo of the DSC Starships Collection.

Beginning in early 2018, Eaglemoss publishes one issue per month specifically on Star Trek: Discovery. The collection ran from issue 1 to 33 and included specials and subscription gift items. (Eaglemoss website: Star Trek: Discovery: The Official Starships Collection)

No. Cover Model
1 Cover image. USS Shenzhou (NCC-1227), Walker-class
2 Cover image. USS Discovery (NCC-1031), Crossfield-class
3 Cover image. USS Kerala (NCC-1255), Shepard-class
4 M'Chla-class bird of prey
5 Cover image. USS Europa (NCC-1648), Nimitz-class
6 Vulcan Solkar-class
7 Cover image. USS Buran (NCC-1422), Cardenas-class
8 Qugh-class
9 Cover image. USS Clarke (NCC-1661), Malachowski-class
10 Qoj-class
11 Cover image. USS Shran (NCC-1413), Magee-class
12 Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Constitution-class
13 worker bee
14 Na'Qjej-class cleave ship
15 Cover image. USS Europa (NCC-1648), Nimitz-class
16 Cover image. yacht The Festoon
17 Cover image. USS T'Plana-Hath (NCC-1004), Engle-class
18 Klingon raider
19 Class C shuttlecraft DSC 01
20 Cover image. USS Hiawatha (NCC-815)
21 Beacon of Kahless
22 Section 31 Turing-class stealth ship NCIA-93
23 landing pod
24 DaSpu'-class
25 Section 31 drone
26 D7 class battlecruiser
27 USS Zimmerman (NCC-161), Helios-class
28 Nimrod-class
29 Ba'ul fighter
30 Shiva-class
31 Balth-class
32 Hou-Yi-class
33 Chargh-class
Bonus USS Glenn (NCC-1030, Crossfield-class
Gift ISS Shenzhou (NCC-1227), Walker-class
Special 1 Sarcophagus, Sarcophagus-class
Special 2 ISS Charon, Styx-class variant
Special 3 Section 31 Headquarters
Special 4 Starbase 1


Star Trek: Online (STO) issues[]

On 6 June 2020, Eaglemoss released the first issue of Star Trek Online Starships Collection. This collection includes models from the Star Trek Online game. The magazines are written by Thomas Marrone, a developer at Cryptic Studios. This collection ran for 20 issues.

No. Cover Model
01 Cover image. USS Gagarin (NCC-97930)
02 Cover image. USS Chimera (NCC-97400)
03 Cover image. USS Andromeda (NCC-92100)
04 Ship image. IKS Bortasqu'
05 Cover image. USS Buran (NCC-96400)
06 Cover image. RRW Vastam
07 Cover image. USS Pathfinder (NCC-97600)
08 Cover image. Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier
09 Cover image. USS Europa (NCC-97640)
10 Cover image. IKS Mogh
11 Cover image. USS Avenger (NCC-97500)
12 Cover image. IKS Mat'Ha
13 Cover image. RRW Aelahl
14 Cover image. USS Shran (NCC-91413)
15 Cover image. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F)
16 Cover image. AFS Khitomer (CSN-01)
17 Cover image. USS Edison (NCC-95160)
18 Cover image. Tholian Recluse-class carrier
19 Cover image. Cardassian Damar-class science dreadnought
20 Ship image. USS Concorde (NCC-94500)


Star Trek: Universe (STU) issues[]

In April 2021, Eaglemoss released the first issue of Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection. This collection includes models from Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, and has been announced to cover Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and potentially Star Trek: Lower Decks.

No. Cover Model
1 Cover image. La Sirena, Kaplan F17 speed freighter
2 Cover image. USS Zheng He, Inquiry-class
3 Cover image. Kar Kantar's Romulan bird of prey
4 Ship image. Seven of Nine's Fenris Ranger ship
5 Cover image. Romulan vessel
6 Cover image. Narek's Snakehead
7 Cover image. Starfleet Tug, Wallenberg-class
8 Cover image. Oh's warbird, Dhailkhina-class
9 Cover image. NI-1021, Deimos-class
10 2390s Romulan warbird
11 Cover image. USS Discovery-A, Crossfield-class
12 Cover image. Book's ship
13 Cover image. USS Voyager-J, Intrepid-class (Janeway-subclass)
Ship image. Hunhau transport ship
Ship image. USS Curie-J, Merian-class
Ship image. USS Dresselhaus, Federation starship
Ship image. USS Nog, Eisenberg-class
Ship image. USS Tikhov, seed vault ship
Ship image. USS Excalibur-M, Constitution-class (Kirk-subclass)
Gifts, convention and web exclusives
No. Cover Model
3rd sub gift Ship image. Speed of Light Club (USS Leondegrance) plaque
6th sub gift Ship image. USS Toussaint, Inquiry-class
2021 con exclusive, 1st web exclusive Ship image. USS Varian Fry, Inquiry-class
2nd web exclusive Ship image. USS Maui, Inquiry-class
1st art print Print image. USS Discovery-A, Crossfield-class
2nd art print Print image. Starfleet 3189


Star Trek: Lower Decks (LD) issues[]

Eaglemoss produced the Star Trek: Lower Decks The Official Starships Collection. This collection includes models from Star Trek: Lower Decks. Following the end of Eaglemoss, Master Replicas released previously unreleased models.

No. Image Model
XL USS Cerritos
01 USS Titan
02 USS Vancouver
03 USS Cerritos
04 Yosemite




Star Trek Magazines
Collections Final Frontier • Stardate Magazine • StarDrive • Starlog • Comic • Explorer • Fact Files • Giant Poster Book • Magazine • Communicator • DS9 - The Official Poster Magazine • The Collector's Edition • The Magazine • TNG Magazine • TNG - The Official Poster Magazine • The Official Fan Club Magazine • The Official Fan Club of the UK Magazine • The Official Starships Collection • TOS - The Collector's Edition • Official TNG Magazine • Official DS9 Magazine • Official VOY Magazine
Single Issues The Motion Picture - Giant Poster Book • The Motion Picture - Novel Pin-up Poster Book • The Wrath of Khan - The Official Movie Magazine • The Wrath of Khan - Official Movie Poster Magazine • The Search for Spock - The Official Movie Magazine • The Search for Spock - Poster Magazine • The Voyage Home - The Official Movie Magazine • The Voyage Home - The Official Poster Magazine • The Final Frontier - The Official Movie Magazine • The Undiscovered Country - The Official Movie Magazine • Generations - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine • Generations - The Official Poster Magazine • First Contact - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine • First Contact - The Official Poster Magazine • Insurrection - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine

External links[]
