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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subscribe')

I've been trying to subscribe to a particular observable(i am a beginner to rxjs), but I keep failing. here is my code here I need to assign the first element of usergroups array element to this....
Thili's user avatar
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Deleting stored observable value in angular service

I have a observable service: GetInputValueObservableService: private inputObservable = new BehaviourSubject<string>(null); setObservable(text) {; } ...
Luckyy's user avatar
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How to fetch only a single record of data from a fake public api in angular using observable?

I'm using json placeholder fake api ( I need the code (service file and ts file) to get only single record of data.I already fetched the all data from api.. ...
anjalikrishna tv's user avatar
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Running code regardless of observables existing, but waiting for them if they do?

I have the following code: array1.foreach(a => { if (a === whatever) { function1.subscribe(); } }); array2.foreach(b => { if (b === whatever) { ...
Alisson Campos's user avatar
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Angular 10 fails to map object from request to interface correctly

When getting an object wrapped in a Result class I made, the controller and browser dev tools show the response is correct, however when I console log it from the subscription one of the nested values ...
CouchCode's user avatar
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ElementScrolled Event is not being fired with CdkScrollable and mat-side-nav

I have the following DOM Configuration <div class="sticky-nav-wrapper"> <app-header (notificationClick)="notificationData=$event; sidenav.toggle()"></app-header&...
Saurabh Tiwari's user avatar
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Observable/BehaviorSubject not working in different modules of Angular

I have 1 feature module (Fund module) that displays fund data in one of its components and an AppModule that displays Advisor data. Fund data and Advisor data have one to many relationship. Fund ...
Pritam Bohra's user avatar
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RxJS switchMap operator does not cancel http request

I have been struggling to figure out why the HTTP requests are not been canceled using the switchMap operator. import {Observable, of, Subject, Subscription, timer} from 'rxjs'; import {HttpClient} ...
Alex Portnoy's user avatar
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Angular 10: subscribing to an observable won't fire after a next call

I have a very simple scenario of subscribing to an Observable via an injected FooService: foo.service.ts: @Injectable() export class FooService { private foosSubject = new Subject<...
Shahar Shokrani's user avatar