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26,054 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
25 votes
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Visual Studio Code Default Folder

I recently installed Visual Studio Code to just touch stuff up on my laptop when I work with friends on projects, and I've been wondering how to set a default directory for the folder. It's kind of ...
Regi's user avatar
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24 votes
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View Class Hierachy in VS Code

Does VS Code inherently come with any tool other than Ctrl+Shift+O to view the entire class hierarchy within a project? Think similar to a Visual Studio solution or Eclipse project. I've looked ...
trebleCode's user avatar
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vsCode issue with husky

I have configured husky in my project. It is running the pre-commit hook with "lint-staged" to use "prettier" to format the code before each commit. The configuration works fine ...
dnaveen's user avatar
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22 votes
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How to configure VS Code's Integrated Terminal to use the correct Python Interpreter

TL;DR This question is NOT asking how to select a Python Interpreter to run, or debug, code with, furthermore; this question is NOT asking anything in regard to Virtual Environment, or how to activate ...
Mark Kortink's user avatar
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VSCodeVim: How do I get CTRL+P / CTRL+N non-IntelliSense completion identical to how it works in VIM?

The main thing missing in my VSCodeVim setup is Ctrl + P and Ctrl + N simple word completion when in insert mode. I have googled extensively on how to set this up, but found nothing that works the way ...
Bob Builder's user avatar
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how to support inline comments when using eslint-prettier/prettier?

i want to turn off the rule in prettier where it newlines an inline comment. my ESLint rule no-inline-comments is set to off or warn, so that is taken care of and works. turns out Prettier still wants ...
kinghat's user avatar
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VS Code "step into" debugger configuration

When I debug my C++ project in VS Code and toggle a breakpoint, The "step into" option redirecting me to external files/libraries, but I want to step only into my code. I tried to add "justMyCode": ...
P. Milev's user avatar
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VSCode debugger very slow when evaluating variables

I don't know why my VSCode is extremely slow when I debug a net core Webapi, it takes several seconds to evaluate a line when I press F10 and is very frustrating. The problem comes when evaluating ...
Yuri Morales's user avatar
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Vscode breakpoints in TypeScript files not hit in React Native

I have a React Native 0.61 project, TypeScript 3.6.2 and Vscode 1.38.1. Here is my launch config: { "name": "Debug iOS", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "type": "reactnative", "request":...
Can Poyrazoğlu's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

How I can import Code Style from WebStorm to Visual Studio Code?

I want to share TypeScript Code Style settings. I can export them from File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | TypeScript in a JSON or XML format from WebStorm. Is it possible to import the settings ...
Gregory Orlov's user avatar
17 votes
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Speeding up breakpoints in launch.json

In the last few weeks, I have been getting a notification on my Visual Studio Code: It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch....
orange-donut's user avatar
17 votes
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VScode show problems in closed files

I'm using the ESLint Plugin for VScode. It seems to only show problems (at the problems tab in the bottom panel) at open files, as soon as I close the file, the problem disappear. There must be a way ...
ZimGil's user avatar
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Refactor a JavaScript function using Move to a new file as the default export

In VSCode, you can refactor a JavaScript function by highlighting the code, right clicking, and selecting Refactor... and Move to a new file. This creates a new file with a named export. How do I ...
Josh Unger's user avatar
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VS code with Jupyter notebook is extremely slow when re-running cells

I’ve got trouble with Jupyter in vscode. On vs code start-up, my 10 cells “run all” in about 3-4 minutes in a perfectly sensible way (loading the data and heavy calculations take time, but plotting is ...
The Authors's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code - Apply quick fix to all files in folder

We are migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript. In vscode I use quick fixes "Add all missing members", "Infer all types from usage". Furthermore, I use a plugin called ...
mihca's user avatar
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