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FabricJS Drawing mode and Hammer.JS Pinch creates unwanted, non objects

The task is to create a drawing app. If the Fabric's drawing mode is activated, and I try to pinch using hammer.js's Pinch event, a weird artifact appears, that does not show when I call getObjects() ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to stop Hammer.js from not propagating swipe events?

I have a working markup and script to track horizontal swipes on a container using Hammer.js: const container = document.getElementsByClassName('swiper')[0]; const manager = new Hammer.Manager(...
lampshade's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'bindDom' of undefined

Am using laravel-boilerplate for my application and i installed hammer.js using npm command. When i run npm run dev command the laravel-mix build is successful, but am getting an error like ...
Midhun Lal's user avatar
2 votes
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HammerJS swipe with Mat-Tabs blocking vertical scroll

SO I have a component in my Angular application that has tabs for categories of data with an array of values for the content of the tab. I want to use HammerJS to swipe between the tabs for a more ...
Nicholas Pesa's user avatar
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React Hammer - making Pinch (zoom) work

I am making a component with React and Hammer using react-hammer and I can't seem to get the pinch to work! I have successfully used the swipe events, but got stuck here. This is the piece of code: ...
alexandraclaire's user avatar
0 votes
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Prevent swiperight event from hammerjs with carousel slide

I'm using Hammer.js (v2.0.8) to show the left menu but I also have a carousel in the same page (with owl carousel v2.3.4). When I slide the carousel, the menu open too. I try but he doesn'...
Jean R.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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How to stop hammer.js from conflicting with the normal scrolling

im using hammer.js to detect drags and swipes. Thats the code: var element = document.getElementById('pinwall-grid'); var hammertime = Hammer(element).on("drag", function (event)...
user avatar
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how to scroll 50% of viewport height in window.innerheight

thats my full js code: //init hammer function var element=document.getElementById('pinwall-grid'); var hammertime=Hammer(element).on("drag", function(event) { direction=event.gesture.direction; ...
user avatar
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How to fix an x and y scrolling conflict in a slider on mobile?

I have a slider that is using the Hammer.js library to detect the touch evens done by the user. thats the code: //init hammer function var element = document.getElementById('pinwall-grid'); var ...
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My Hammer JS will not register my tap handler until I have used the pan function

I normally find all my answers here but I haven't seen this one yet. So I have two hammer js event listeners, pan and tap. Pan works perfectly all the time, however, the tap does not appear to be ...
Christheoreo's user avatar
2 votes
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Hammerjs swipe locks the window.innerHeight on Chrome Android

I've run into an issue with hammerjs on Chrome Android 66. I have a side bar menu that's position:fixed, with top:0 and bottom:0. When the menu item opens, the layout is correct for when URL Bar at ...
jkdude's user avatar
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How many touches can I recognize using Hammer JS?

I would like to know how many touches I can manage using Hammer JS.
shogitai's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to set touch gestures / hammer.js active on a specific viewport?

I've just finished constructing my carousel slider with touch events for a website I'm building. Currently trying to figure out how I can active or disable the touch events(hammer) on specific ...
clestcruz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Hammer.js swipe support for 1 and/or 2 fingers

I'm using Hammer.js with Angular 5 to support swipping with both mouse and touch. The problem is that the touch action should be done with two fingers instead of one. Is it possible to support both 1 ...
Xander's user avatar
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Hammer.js on tap is stoppng parent div from scrolling

I am currently using Hammer.JS to create a desktop and mobile friendly user interface. The following is the CSS for a parent div that has smaller divs in it populated by JS. .attributescroll { ...
alphadmon's user avatar
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HammerJS not working with Angular Material 2 tabs on mobile.

I'm Trying to integrate swipe gestures in Angular material 2(Angular5). It is working with mouse on desktop. The problem is that when I use mobile(Chrome) it only senses the gesture on labels of tabs. ...
mohsin ammar's user avatar
0 votes
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Has anyone has success using Hammer.js Pinch Events on 3D models?

I'm using Hammer on an augmented reality project and have success moving, rotating, and placing a 3d model (JSON) using Hammer.js. I'm trying to use the pinch events to scale the object up and down, ...
Yoni Binstock's user avatar
2 votes
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HammerJS vertical swipe and VERTICAL scroll simultaneously

I have a fullpage web site on angular 5, which do pagination by vertical swipe down and up (on desctop version is listening for wheel events). On mobile I met a serious problem with non-hiding address ...
MR.QUESTION's user avatar
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HammerJS pan fails for grandchild element in Firefox

I have a gallery pen (based on a pen by Drew Power) with Hammerjs Pan to slide images horizontally. Works fine in Chrome & Safari, but not in Firefox The basic structure: <div class="slider"&...
sb333's user avatar
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Hammerjs configuration for pinch zoom in Angular

I am using HammerJS with Angular 4 application for pinch zoom an image. In hammerJS doc it is mentioned by default pinch zoom is set to off and the code to turn it on is hammertime.get('pinch').set({...
Palash's user avatar
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3 answers

Edge Swipe Navigation

Can you recommend a JS library that actually provides edge swipe functionality when working with bare-bones HTML & CSS? I've searched all over and haven't found a source of truth for that problem....
Null isTrue's user avatar
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Panning gesture hovering HTML elements

How is possible to achieve hovering effect over elements in container via pan gesture? HTML: <div class="container"> <div class="item"></div> <div class="item"></div>...
metamarket's user avatar
1 vote
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Hammer.js for Angular 2+

I use hammer.js in my applications (Angular 2 and 5). I use events from this library, as example - tap. If I destroy any DOM-element with the help of *ngIf, there's subscription on the event. As a ...
Vladislav Lobakh's user avatar
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SetInterval reset on swipe

So I'm trying to add a progress bar to the "Superslides" slider. I've used setInverval to trigger this when a slide finishes animating and for the most part it works. I also added a little bit that ...
cyanoxide's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Dragging an element with hammer.js fails on mobile

I'm working on an interface to allow the user to drag an object around the screen using hammer.js. In a desktop browser it works, but on mobile when I start dragging it works briefly, then suddenly ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to create a draggable element with HammerJs and Angular

I am trying to implement a draggable functionality with HammerJs and Angular but my element does not move. The mouse points are printed out but the element does not move. @Component({ selector: '...
Arthur Decker's user avatar
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HammerJS pan either forces horizontal event on a vertical scroll, or disables scrolling all together

I'm making an animation for a flip-pagey effect on a site. I need to use HammerJS pan to measure the distance the fingers travelled, swipe does not support this apparently. However it breaks at a ...
NicklasN's user avatar
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2 answers

zoom and pan on charts in angular

I have a problem on angular ( v5) with this plugin: ng2-charts ( from charts.js) chartjs-plugin-zoom hammer.js I have a simply chart and i'd like to zoom and pan on this, but it doesn't works. I ...
Nicolò Scapin's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get rid of `user-select: none` in React Hammer.js?

The plugin sets style attribute user-select: none to children: <main class="foo" style="touch-action: pan-y; user-select: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, ...
Green's user avatar
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hammer.js swiping many individual images & targeting child element

I'm messing around with hammer.js and want to swipe 100 images that are stacked on one another. Basically, like a stack of cards. I'm having trouble targeting the child element of the #wrap and why my ...
user1965388's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't click the links on my D3 Map on mobile devices

I have a D3.js map of the US with links appended on to the map (see code below). However, when I go to my iPhone (Safari browser) I can't click on the links. Does anyone know why this is or how to fix?...
Candis W's user avatar
1 vote
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Using pan along with swipe is not working in Hammer.JS

I have a grid where pan should be used for multiple selection of grid rows. Swipe should be used from scrolling the rows. When I use both pan and swipe always pan fires not swipe. I tried ...
user1445817's user avatar
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How to set zoom focus based on pinch location using hammer.js

I am able to perform pinch for div content when passing the element to the method below, but whilst the pinch is performing the focus is always at the center. How can I change the focus based on ...
user2511132's user avatar
1 vote
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pan on chart.js also zoom on line charts

I want to pan and zoom on a line chart with chartjs-plugin-zoom. The problem is that when I use pan it also zoom on chart till just one label remains, there is no problem when chart model is bar. how ...
z f's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Configure hammer.js gestures for different modules in Angular

I have a standard Hammer gestures custom config in my root module: import { HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { HammerGestureConfig } from '@angular/platform-browser'; ...
artuska's user avatar
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Render called on every setState when using touch gestures

I have a problem using touch gestures in my react.js app. The problem is that the render() function is called on every setState call and not just at the end. This only happens when using Hammer.js to ...
Karsten Møller's user avatar
-1 votes
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Use vis.js with materialize : Uncaught TypeError: Hammer.assign is not a function

I'm trying to run vis.js in an Angular4 project configured with Angular-cli that is already using Materialize-css When running the angular application I get this error in console : Uncaught ...
An-droid's user avatar
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Using Hammer JS as a carousel

In building a custom carousel with Hammer JS 2.0.8, I had some trouble making it work fluidly. After multiple tries, I found a snippet that really helped, and when I eventually completed the module, I ...
Aikomo Opemipo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hammer js rotation direction

I am new with Hammer.js and succesfully implements rotate recognizer: var image = document.getElementById('image'); var manager = new Hammer(image); manager.get('rotate').set({ ...
Aliaksei Pakaliuk's user avatar
1 vote
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Using hammer js with a canvas

I have a little problem using Hammer JS with my canvas. I explain ; I have a canvas defined like this : <canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas> In this canvas, i add some Img : var s = new ...
sleakerz's user avatar
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What's the scoop on Pinch to Zoom Gesture with Ionic3 and Hammer.JS?

I need to be able to do pinch to zoom to scale font sizes, on both Android and iOS. (Not just a regular image per numerous examples I've seen when Googling). Can someone let me know if theres an easy ...
JGFMK's user avatar
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is using angular-cli.json the preferred way to add 3rd party scripts (into your Angular apps)?

Is this `<script src="../node_modules/hammerjs/hammer.min.js"></script>` or this "scripts": [ "../node_modules/hammerjs/hammer.min.js" ]` method a better way to include ...
Average Joe's user avatar
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Detect Touch screen [duplicate]

I make an app with angular (4), material and the mobile app with cordova. I have some event with swipe (with hammer.js), at this moment i use screen size to know if i'm on touch screen.(xs,sm,md for ...
Dioux's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

(swipeup) isn't triggering in Angular 4 with Hammerjs

I have noticed that the directive (swipeup) does not seem to be working: I have tried using (swipeleft) and that works: <div [@myAnimation] (swipeup)="showActionBar = false" fxFlex="56px" *ngIf="...
Jan Somers JanS91's user avatar
7 votes
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Turning off hammer.js touch events using onclick event

I've just finished constructing my carousel slider with touch events for a website I'm building. Currently trying to figure out how I can disable the touch events(hammer) using on click events. Here ...
clestcruz's user avatar
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Angular - Hammerjs - Load html content in swipe action

The following swipe action loads three images in the template. They currently work fine but I would like to change two of the images with a functional Google Maps iframe and a loop of checkboxes and ...
Ciprian's user avatar
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Ionic pinchin and pinchout gestures don't seem to work with android

this is my pinch zone. <div class="pinch-div" #pinchDiv></div> related properties gesture: Gesture; @ViewChild('pinchDiv') element; initialization this.angle = 15; this.gesture = new ...
Anjil Dhamala's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Carousel slides incorrectly when swiping or when clicking the slider controls (next/prev)

I've just finished building a carousel I've been working on that uses swipe/touch and also uses controls such as prev/next to control the carousel. Right now I'm having an issue regarding about the ...
clestcruz's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Add gesture to custom component

I have a custom menu i've built because i need a menu with specific functions and behaviours and modifying the Ionic's menu component seemed to be too much work for what i need, so here's my problem: ...
Gabriel Barreto's user avatar
2 votes
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Hammerjs with touch emulator not working in React

I've been trying to test and emulate touch events using Hammerjs in React, but with extremely inconsistent behavior between browsers and events. Let's take simple code like: import React from 'react'...
Jan Swart's user avatar
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