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How to fix ERROR TypeError: Class constructor HammerGestureConfig cannot be invoked without 'new'

I have a problem when I add the ngx-gallery. When inspect an error appears ERROR Type Error: The class constructor HammerGestureConfig cannot be invoked without 'new' I have added hammerjs in app....
Groovy's user avatar
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dragging-issue carousel-item with dropdown in Firefox

i have an issue within my Angular7 application using the NguCarousel (uses HammerJS). The carousel works as intended for displaying complex elements, until I add a html-select element in the ...
Terry Storm's user avatar
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HammerJS pan is not working on iOS (under Ionic)

I am programming an app in Ionic and using hammer.js for the pan gesture (for the moment, only this one). In the browser (chrome and safari) this is working fine, also on Android device, but I just ...
elnezah's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use Angular Material without HammerJS

What is the proper way to use Angular Material without Hammerjs? I don't wan't HammerJS. It is creating weird behavior (switch to another tab) when I drag my mouse inside a Material Tab Group (even ...
Alex's user avatar
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Trying to trigger a WheelEvent programmatically with Hammerjs

I am using a library ( that scrolls on use of the mousewheel, and I want to use this functionality when swiping left or right. I am ...
Steven Matthews's user avatar
0 votes
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Understanding React refs - why is my reference null here?

I have a use-case where a React ref makes sense. I've tried a few different ways of implementing them, and in this case integrating them with hammerjs. I'm mostly going off of this question: adding ...
Steven Matthews's user avatar
-3 votes
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Multi Touch is Not workig in Chrome

i need to run a function if two div's pressed/tapped simultaneously.i tired below code but its executing event one after another. i got one sample code this is working fine in mobile device.but its ...
Coder's user avatar
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matTooltip not responding to longpress action

matTooltip is not loading on my iPhone in Safari. I read that it should respond to a longpress, but it does not. I read that I need hammerjs in order for it to work, and I added that, but it still ...
masu9's user avatar
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How can I receive combinations of two/one finger and single/double taps in hammer.js

I'm attempting to receive three types of tap events using hammer.js single tap with one finger double tap with one finger double tap with two fingers How can I set this up correctly in hammer.js ...
aofcoder's user avatar
2 votes
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How to select elements by class name in hammer.js?

I'm trying to use hammer.js and select elements using their class name as opposed to thier IDs. However, my code seems to only selects the first element with the class name and ignores the rest with ...
James Juanjie's user avatar
3 votes
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HammerJS Swipe not working on Mobile Device or Google Chrome on Device Mode

I have a simple code to make the Web Site swipeable, It's working when I test on Google Chrome on Desktop, but when I'm going to test on my mobile device or on Google Chrome DevTools Device Mode it's ...
Luiz Fernando Maehana's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to register touch move over events in Angular?

Summarize the problem Stackblitz - I'm trying register touch events and want to be able to touch my finger, drag and lift my finger resulting in ...
Andrew Allen's user avatar
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How to debug Ionic iOS swipe gesture issues

I am dealing with a weird bug on Ionic's iOS native build where I sometimes cannot swipe back or switch tabs once I transition to a new page using router.navigateByURL(...), and trying to debug this ...
Jordan Lewallen's user avatar
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Override swipe events on overlapping element

I have an angular 1.5.7 page using hammer.js 2.0.8 with angular-hammer library. My <body> is 100% height and has swipe events on it that allow a user to page back and forth. But within the ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to disable hammer.js mouse events on angular2?

I am building a angular website. using hammer.js for mobile gestures animations. when browsing the website form PC/laptop I don't want the mouse to be able to trigger swipe events. I know that hammer....
Eitan Lavi Haik's user avatar
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How to implement swipe in Phaser 3?

I am making a game for mobile devices with Phaser 3. I am stuck at implementing swipe mechanism. I want to swipe my character in any direction the user wants to. I also thought about doing it with ...
Lakshya dubey's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculate x z movement on plane with camera rotation

I move an Object 3D with HammerJS in an AR space. It works fine as long as I don't move my phone (which is the camera)... const newTranslation = new THREE.Vector3(this._initTranslation.x + e....
breezertwo's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is pan (and zoom) not working on my Chart.js graph?

I'm making a linear graph and the pan and zoom functionality are not working. I'm using: "chart.js": "Chart-js#v2.5.0", "chartjs-plugin-zoom": "Chart.Zoom.js#v0.7.0", "hammerjs": "v2.0.8" and added ...
Miguel Cordero's user avatar
4 votes
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ipad double tap and long press events in angular 7

How can we implement double tap and long press events in angular 7 in a proper way for ipad. I have custom implementation for the above functionality using directives. But the problem is that it's ...
leox's user avatar
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Hammer JS pressup does not work for touch screen?

I am trying to implement a functionality in an Angular 5 application if you pressed and hold the button it will start increasing value 1,2,3,4 ... like that until you pressed up to that button. It is ...
pskkar's user avatar
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Weird rotation behavior with hammerjs and threejs

I want to rotate an object3D with hammerjs gestures. Basically the rotation work, but with two issues I can't figure out. The direction of the rotation changes randomly. It turns left. I stop and ...
breezertwo's user avatar
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Looking for some ideas on how to create an custom shirt designing like tailorstore

Looking for recommendation to create a custom shirt designing feature like the website (CUSTOMIZING SHIRT). While exploring, i thoughts like they might: 1. Created 3D models and ...
Raaj's user avatar
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Hammerjs not working on Chrome or Safari in IOS (made with Vuejs)

I'm working on an app that has a navdrawer and i added the gesture swipe with hammerjs to close the navdrawer when swiping left, the code looks like this: <template> <nav id="navbar" class=...
Carlos Pisarello's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the performance impact of domEvents: true in HammerJS?

The hammerJS docs mention the following: domEvents: false Let Hammer also fire DOM events. This is a bit slower, so disabled by default. What type of measurable effect is "a bit slower"? How ...
dandan's user avatar
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HammerJS Pinch zoom reversed

I'm currently working on a web app and want to add zoom functionality to it. However the HammerJS pinch scale is going the wrong way. I have tried calculating the differance between the scales to ...
Ackzell's user avatar
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Angular/HammerJS - Avoid rotate gestures on pinch in/out

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both gestures separately. I have built hammer configuration in my module, as below: import * as Hammer ...
Alberto Bricio's user avatar
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How to use RxJS fromEvent() with HammerJS in strict mode

The following code gives an error in typescript strict mode: const hammerTap = new Hammer(nativeElement, { recognizers: [ [Hammer.Tap, { taps: 4 }] ...
Simon_Weaver's user avatar
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Google Maps Using Touch Events That Don't Target It

I am trying to build a web application that has true multi touch capabilities. For example, I want to be able to drag a container around the screen while also zooming/panning on a google map at the ...
Cooper Laredo's user avatar
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Dragula receive touch event from HammerJS?

I would like to combine dragula with HammerJS in a way that dragging only happens in Dragula after a press event in HammerJS. With the current code the user has to lift his finger and touch again to ...
Peter's user avatar
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hammer js > how to block horizontal panning during page scroll

I've got a page where I put some horizontal slideshows, and have added panning and swipe to them. Sadly, when scrolling on mobile devices, if you scroll above the slideshows, hammer will recognize ...
Luca Reghellin's user avatar
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Issue with ant-design ( NG-Zorro) carousel swiping

I have the issue with ant-design ( NG-Zorro) carousel swiping. Swipe by mouse does not work. How can I fix it?
Maks K's user avatar
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How can I remove the 300ms delay on Angular routerLink using Hammer.js?

I am trying to remove the famous 300ms delay from my app with Hammer.js, and have been successful so far using tap in stead of click. However, this does not work on routerLink's. I haven't found any ...
Lirianna's user avatar
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How to stop Hammer js events from firing from inner elements?

I have found some answers to this issue, but didn't worked for me. I'm using Hammer js for a slideshow. The slideshow items can contain images and links. I setted pointer-events: none on the images. ...
Luca Reghellin's user avatar
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PDF.JS: Reloadeing/ re-rendering due to zoom stops JS events

When I execute the Pinch Zoom gesture (wipe 2 fingers apart or to each other on the display), on the PDF.JS viewer.html in an Cordova app on iOS 11.4.1, the document should be permanently zoomed in or ...
Marc's user avatar
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Hammerjs and React: Detect end of pinch event

I need to be able to detect the "end" of a pinch event. It seems like that should be easy with Hammerjs, but instead I am getting multiple pinch events. Furthermore, it seems like one of the pinch ...
bremen_matt's user avatar
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How do you get the current target on panmove?

When using hammer.js, how do you get the current target on panmove? In it's docs it states "Target: Target that received the event". I'm using the panmove event but the target never updates. It only ...
gdaniel's user avatar
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5 answers

Could not find HammerJS in angular 6

I use angular-material in my project. I am getting this warnings: Could not find HammerJS. Certain Angular Material components may not work correctly. The "longpress" event cannot be bound ...
PGH's user avatar
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Swipe element down and up to delete/remove element using hammer.js and jQuery?

I'm trying to swipe an element up/down to delete it. I am using hammer.js and jQuery. So far I can delete the element using swipe left/right which works fine. But I need to achieve the exact same ...
James Juanjie's user avatar
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Fabric.JS compound object cropped by boundaries

I initialize a canvas and add an image to it. this.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c', { hoverCursor: 'pointer', selection: false, allowTouchScrolling: false, }); fabric.Image....
Mike's user avatar
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ignore pen (stylus) inputs

Is there a was to not recognize pen inputs with hammer.js? I can ignore pen by checking the event type but i want them not to be recognized in the first place. My goal is to hold the pen on the ...
user9268398's user avatar
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Angular 6 library module config

I have a Angular project with several libraries/projects inside. One of these libraries is a custom carousel (which uses hammerjs) that I can re-use within any other library. The problem is want to ...
user2959162's user avatar
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Simultanous press and pinch

How can I implement simultaneous press and pinch with hammer js or other libraries? The main idea is to press with the right finger and pinch with the left hand (two fingers), the only issue in here ...
user9268398's user avatar
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iPhoneX-like show/hide menu/container by drag

I want to implement ability to collapse the gray .content-wrapper block (with blue sqare inside) smoothly based on drag value when user drags .drag element. What is the best and efficient way nowadays ...
godblessstrawberry's user avatar
4 votes
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How to pan and then immediately pinch with hammer js?

I'm using hammerjs like this this.hammer = new Hammer.Manager(this.canvas); const pinch = new Hammer.Pinch(); const pan = new Hammer.Pan({ threshold: 5, }); this.hammer.add([pinch, pan]); But if I ...
Totty.js's user avatar
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Hammerjs in Safari : scroll issue

I wants to allow horizontal swipe event and keep vertical scroll. So use this: touch-action: pan-y !important; But Safari do not support "touch-action". HammerJS preventDefaults cannot detect the "...
Leon Lo's user avatar
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Remove HammerJS from a Angular-Material project

I'm working on an Angular application with Material design. Recently I found a memory leak in one of my pages. Every time this page is loaded it takes more and more time to initialize/render. This ...
Gil Epshtain's user avatar
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JS scroll to next element (hammer.js)

I got this in my functions.js $('.cta').click(function(){ var curActive = $('.side-nav').find('.is-active'), curPos = $('.side-nav').children().index(curActive), lastItem = $('.side-nav')....
Wwelson Ddolb's user avatar
1 vote
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How to recognize events on child nodes for recognizers with Hammer.js

My scenario: -I have a sidebar with thumbnail images on it What I'm trying to achieve: - Swiping away the sidebar to close it Where I'm stuck: - Swiping on the sidebar works fine, but if the swipe ...
Trel's user avatar
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Dragging HTML element , implemented with HammerJS , is jittery on touch device

I have a list of HTML elements as cards stacked on top of each other. I am trying to drag the element with pan event using HammerJS export class HomePage { @ViewChildren('slides') slides; @...
raj's user avatar
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2 answers

Hammer.js swipe not working with Cordova InAppBrowser

I have a hosted website which uses Hammer.js for swipe functions. The swipe functions works fine in both desktop and mobile browsers but does not work on Cordova InAppBrowser (cordova-plugin-...
Yasitha Lokunarangoda's user avatar

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