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LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough LEGO Skywalker Saga guide, walkthorugh

This page of the LEGO Skywalker Saga contains walkthrough of the Porg Patrol challenge - rescue 20 porgs.

Last update: 01 July 2022

The following page of the guide to LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga describes the Porg Patrol challenge. Our tips will help you find the 20 porgs trapped in different parts of the galaxy.

General information about the assumptions of the challenge

The Porg Patrol challenge is unlocked by completing Episode 8 - The Last Jedi - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The Porg Patrol challenge is unlocked by completing Episode 8 - The Last Jedi. To finish this task, you need to complete all episodes, because the search for the porgs stretches out across almost the entire galaxy. Because of this, it's best to unlock all the planets before beginning the hunt.

When you buy the rumor and activate the challenge, planets with trapped porgs will be marked on the galaxy map. After reaching your destination, the marker on the screen will lead you to the search area. Porgs can be hidden on the roofs of buildings or in locked rooms. The porg's distinctive cry should help you find them.

After locating the porg you are looking for, destroy the trap containing it (these range from a spider web to a large pot of soup).

The reward for completing the challenge is 5 Kyber Bricks.

Porg #1 - Endor: Ewok Village

The porg is in a pot of soup in one of the huts in the center of the village - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in a pot of soup in one of the huts in the center of the village.

Porg #2 - Mustafar: The Mining Complex

The porg is on the roof of the building, in toxic green fog - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is on the roof of the building, in toxic green fog. Climb the stairs to the neighbouring roof and, as a Scavenger, use the glider to reach the animal.

Porg #3 - Dagobah: Dragonsnake Bog

The porg is trapped in a spider web on a tree - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is trapped in a spider web on a tree.

Porg #4 - Bespin: Cloud City

The porg is on the roof of the building - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is on the roof of the building. Switch your character to the Bounty Hunter and shoot down the golden cage containing the animal.

Porg #5 - Crait: Criat Outpost

The porg is under the stairs - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is under the stairs. First get rid of the crystals, then destroy the trap containing the critter.

Porg #6 - Takodana: Maz's Castle

The porg is located on a rock by the lake - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is located on a rock by the lake.

Porg #7 - Jakku: Niima Settlement

The porg is in a golden crate - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in a golden crate. Use the Bounty Hunter to free the animal.

Porg #8 - Jakku: Tuanul Village

The porg is on the roof of the building - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is on the roof of the building.

Porg #9 - Coruscant: Federal District

The porg is in a golden chest, in the last room on the right - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in a golden chest, in the last room on the right. Use the Bounty Hunter to release the creature.

Porg #10 - Coruscant: Uscru District

The porg is trapped in a spider web on the building's wall - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is trapped in a spider web on the building's wall.

Porg #11 - Ajan Kloss: Resistance Camp

The porg is on a tall rock - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is on a tall rock.

Porg #12 - Cantonica: Canto Bight

The porg is in a golden cage, on the casino's roof - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in a golden cage, on the casino's roof. Use the Bounty Hunter to free the animal.

Porg #13 - Yavin 4: Great Temple

The porg is trapped in a spider web on the outer wall of the temple - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is trapped in a spider web on the outer wall of the temple. Climb the ladder to the temple terrace and look up.

Porg #14 - Kashyyyk: Kachirho

The porg is in a huge pot of soup near the hungry wookies - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in a huge pot of soup near the hungry wookies.

Porg #15 - Geonosis: Stalgasin Hive

The porg is on one of the rock pillars at the entrance to the droid factory - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is on one of the rock pillars at the entrance to the droid factory.

Porg #16 - Naboo: Lake Paonga

The porg is trapped in a spider web under the bridge - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is trapped in a spider web under the bridge.

Porg #17 - Tatooine: Jundland Wastes

The porg is in the soup pot next to the tusken tents - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in the soup pot next to the tusken tents.

Porg #18 - Tatooine: Mos Espa

The porg is in the spider web in one of the buildings - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in the spider web in one of the buildings.

Porg #19 - Tatooine: Mos Eisley

The porg is in a spider web on the building's wall - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in a spider web on the building's wall.

Porg #20 - D'Qar: Resistance Base

The porg is in bunker 4, on the wall - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Porg Patrol - walkthrough - Challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The porg is in bunker 4, on the wall.

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