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2 answers

hammer.js exhibits pinch lag when changing pinch direction (tested on Android)

I've noticed when using Hammer-time.js for zoom events that there is a noticeable lag in the pinch zoom event if you go from pinch in to pinch out (or vice versa) without taking your fingers off the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Detect Android pinch to zoom innerWidth with JavaScript/Hammer.js

I want to know the innerWith/viewport width of the pinch to zoom when it's zoomed. If it's below 500 px I want to change the image with: $("img#ad").attr("src", "
7 votes
2 answers

Detect pinch to zoom when 'user-scalable' is set to yes

How can I detect the scale (or distance pinched) of the pinch to zoom when the meta name="viewport" is set to user-scalable=yes? I've tested on Android but the pinch to zoom can't be detected if the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Hammerjs not working on Chrome or Safari in IOS (made with Vuejs)

I'm working on an app that has a navdrawer and i added the gesture swipe with hammerjs to close the navdrawer when swiping left, the code looks like this: <template> <nav id="navbar" class=...
2 votes
0 answers

Hammerjs swipe locks the window.innerHeight on Chrome Android

I've run into an issue with hammerjs on Chrome Android 66. I have a side bar menu that's position:fixed, with top:0 and bottom:0. When the menu item opens, the layout is correct for when URL Bar at ...
1 vote
2 answers

v-touch not working when scrollable in mobile

I'm using vue-js 2.0 and vue-touch to make swipe possible in mobile. If I initialize my div as follows: <v-touch v-on:swipeleft="nextDay" v-on:swiperight="previousDay" class="page-content" :style=...
0 votes
0 answers

Ionic pinchin and pinchout gestures don't seem to work with android

this is my pinch zone. <div class="pinch-div" #pinchDiv></div> related properties gesture: Gesture; @ViewChild('pinchDiv') element; initialization this.angle = 15; this.gesture = new ...
0 votes
1 answer

Angular2, HammerJs, swipeup not working with android

I have a ngFor list of items. Each item has a swipeleft/swiperight directive that displays a delete button. (Think iOS message interactions). When i go to swipeup however, as if to scroll through the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Hammer.js preventing hyperlink clicks in Android Webview

This is a Hammer.js issue that does not happen in desktop browsers. I have verified this in a WIP Android app that utilizes WebView EDIT: I have also verified this happens on the "Internet" browser (...
1 vote
1 answer

How to recognize clockwise and anti clock wise rotating?

I am using hmmer.js. Trying to rotate image on android by multi touch. I just want to increase or decrease the rotation angle of image. In that case I need to have events for clock wise and anticlock ...
3 votes
2 answers

Hammer.js taps are slow on Android?

Situation: hammer.js 2.0.4, jQuery 2.1 on a Cordova cross-platform mobile app. I was running into well-documented (for example) issues with delay of click events, so I thought I'd try hammer.js for ...
1 vote
0 answers

hammerjs pan event not working in cordova app

I'm using Hammer.js with the jQuery plugin in a Cordova app. I am also using zepto and zepto touch. The reason for having both (currently) is that I recently used only zepto. But the touch/gestures ...
1 vote
1 answer

Implement a vertical scrolling on a canvas

I try to implement a vertical scroller with touch pan event on a large background in a HTML5 canvas. I use hammer JS to recognize pan gesture: It works fine when I move y ...
2 votes
1 answer

Using Hammerjs for pinch and zoom on image

So I have a header.. and an image. On tablet I want to be able to pinch and zoom into the image but i'm struggling. I've looked at other similar questions. But as I'm still learning, i'm not fully ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to pull the exact animation mentioned in the Hammer.js homepage

I want to know how exactly to get this output. Mentioned in the Hammer.js homepage itself. I tried to do it by copying the same code and while emulating, I get the event notifications as 'spanleft' or ...

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