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Hammerjs not working on Chrome or Safari in IOS (made with Vuejs)

I'm working on an app that has a navdrawer and i added the gesture swipe with hammerjs to close the navdrawer when swiping left, the code looks like this: <template> <nav id="navbar" class=...
Carlos Pisarello's user avatar
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Hammerjs swipe locks the window.innerHeight on Chrome Android

I've run into an issue with hammerjs on Chrome Android 66. I have a side bar menu that's position:fixed, with top:0 and bottom:0. When the menu item opens, the layout is correct for when URL Bar at ...
jkdude's user avatar
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Ionic pinchin and pinchout gestures don't seem to work with android

this is my pinch zone. <div class="pinch-div" #pinchDiv></div> related properties gesture: Gesture; @ViewChild('pinchDiv') element; initialization this.angle = 15; this.gesture = new ...
Anjil Dhamala's user avatar
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v-touch not working when scrollable in mobile

I'm using vue-js 2.0 and vue-touch to make swipe possible in mobile. If I initialize my div as follows: <v-touch v-on:swipeleft="nextDay" v-on:swiperight="previousDay" class="page-content" :style=...
Asqan's user avatar
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hammer.js exhibits pinch lag when changing pinch direction (tested on Android)

I've noticed when using Hammer-time.js for zoom events that there is a noticeable lag in the pinch zoom event if you go from pinch in to pinch out (or vice versa) without taking your fingers off the ...
Single Entity's user avatar
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Angular2, HammerJs, swipeup not working with android

I have a ngFor list of items. Each item has a swipeleft/swiperight directive that displays a delete button. (Think iOS message interactions). When i go to swipeup however, as if to scroll through the ...
s_dev's user avatar
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Hammer.js preventing hyperlink clicks in Android Webview

This is a Hammer.js issue that does not happen in desktop browsers. I have verified this in a WIP Android app that utilizes WebView EDIT: I have also verified this happens on the "Internet" browser (...
Phil's user avatar
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How to recognize clockwise and anti clock wise rotating?

I am using hmmer.js. Trying to rotate image on android by multi touch. I just want to increase or decrease the rotation angle of image. In that case I need to have events for clock wise and anticlock ...
sachin gavas's user avatar
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Hammer.js taps are slow on Android?

Situation: hammer.js 2.0.4, jQuery 2.1 on a Cordova cross-platform mobile app. I was running into well-documented (for example) issues with delay of click events, so I thought I'd try hammer.js for ...
Denise Draper's user avatar
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hammerjs pan event not working in cordova app

I'm using Hammer.js with the jQuery plugin in a Cordova app. I am also using zepto and zepto touch. The reason for having both (currently) is that I recently used only zepto. But the touch/gestures ...
user2123796's user avatar
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Using Hammerjs for pinch and zoom on image

So I have a header.. and an image. On tablet I want to be able to pinch and zoom into the image but i'm struggling. I've looked at other similar questions. But as I'm still learning, i'm not fully ...
pourmesomecode's user avatar
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How to pull the exact animation mentioned in the Hammer.js homepage

I want to know how exactly to get this output. Mentioned in the Hammer.js homepage itself. I tried to do it by copying the same code and while emulating, I get the event notifications as 'spanleft' or ...
elembivos's user avatar
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Hammer.js - does not change while panning on Android

I'm trying to get Hammer update the element while using the "pan" event on mobile Android (so far only checked 4.2). The problem is if I attach Hammer to the ul and pan along the li ...
Vall's user avatar
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Implement a vertical scrolling on a canvas

I try to implement a vertical scroller with touch pan event on a large background in a HTML5 canvas. I use hammer JS to recognize pan gesture: It works fine when I move y ...
user2487815's user avatar
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How do I completely prevent dragging a webpage horizontally in Android Chrome?

Page structure: <body> <section id="off-right'></section> <main></main> </body> The off-right section is initially translated out of view, and I translate it back ...
Loren's user avatar
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