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Javascript touch event on mobile not working

When adding a touchstart and touchend event listener to my window or my document it just doesnt work when touching or swiping the screen on mobile document.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) =>...
Mathijs Van melick's user avatar
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How to prevent hammer.js stop the page scrolling?

I'm using hammer integrated with svg-pan-zoom ( I would like to let the page scroll panning in vertical direction even ...
Tobia's user avatar
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How to enable Vertical Swipe with Hammer.js in Angular 17 (standalone component)

I tried to implement the vertical swipe with Hammer.js and Angular 17 but it's not working. I'm trying to do a tinder-like app, so I want to be able to swipe right, swipe left and swipe up. I found ...
Baptiste MARTY's user avatar
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how to use some animation on leftswipe and rightswipe in angular13?

i want some animation on a material card on left swipe and right swipe, how to achieve? I have tried hammer js, please provide me some documentation.
user1722366's user avatar
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Angular - Sliding sidebar sometimes does not register the first click

I have implemented a sliding sidebar in my web-app for mobile users. The sliding listener is imported from hammerjs. <app-nav-bar></app-nav-bar> <div class="site-content"> &...
Lazar's user avatar
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Using Hammer + chart + chart plugin zoom not work in mobile

I am encountering an issue with the drag functionality on mobile devices in a Chart.js chart that utilizes the chartjs-plugin-zoom and hammer.js. The chart works as expected on desktop browsers, but ...
Santiago Santos isma's user avatar
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Problem with jquery and hammer.js when using

I created a jquery function to be able to scroll a list of items back and forth, and it works perfectly with the mouse wheel. Now I plan to use hammer.js to apply the same logic with touch, but I am ...
Francesco Pauselli's user avatar
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What can I do to fix the jerky movement of my swipe animation with Vue 3 and Hammer.js?

I have been trying to achieve this effect for days and I just don't understand what I might be doing wrong or what is coming into play when I do this type of animation. All I want is to detect a click ...
Pnemonic's user avatar
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Gesture Swipe in Angular 16 Application Using Hammer js not working

When i upgrade my app to Angular 16, hammerjs config not working with the config below main.ts @Injectable() export class MyHammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig { overrides = <any>{ ...
wissem chiha's user avatar
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Browser picking wrong version of hammerjs

I have an angular application where inside package.json file I see hammerjs version as 2.0.8. Inside package-lock.json file also I see the same version info as 2.0.8 only. When I execute the command '...
Raj's user avatar
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Swipeable react component always starts from same [0.0] position

I'm trying to develop a swipe component using React w/ Redux and hammerjs. The problem is that each time I move my component the position.x and position.y start from [0,0] and not from the current ...
user3466681's user avatar
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How to position image on canvas same as overlaped div of same dimension

I have two div of same dimension which overlap each other using z-index. Ist div contain image and 2nd div contain a canvas I am trying to draw image on canvas same place as Ist div. I am using ...
user3146565's user avatar
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Instagram Story Progress Bar

I'm building something similar to the instagram story function with HTML, TailwindCSS and JavaScript. I have 6 different slides where I'm navigating with touch taps with hammerJS. At the top I have 6 ...
xmaxiy's user avatar
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Event after swipe fires multiple times hammer.js

I use hammer.js to create a T*nder-Style swiping. After swipe right for love or left for nope, I want to start some scripts. In my approach It actually fires multiple times after swipe to right or ...
mm1975's user avatar
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Hammerjs is not detecting swipe movement

I'm using Hammerjs 2.0.8 with Nuxt, and I can't seem to make it detect swipe motion. Here's how I've done the setup. If I change the recognizer to [Hammer.Pan, { direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ...
Afiq Rosli's user avatar
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Can I use hammer.js in react?

Can i use hammer.js in react? this is javascript library. I searched react-hammerjs but it was deprecated. And i searched react-native-web and react-native-gesture-handler. react-native-web is use ...
Accel.'s user avatar
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Swipe and click on links with Hammer js

I have Angular 12 application. There is carousel with images, which are links. I integrated Hammer JS as expected: import * as Hammer from 'hammerjs'; export class HammerConfig extends ...
Virto111's user avatar
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How do I use hammerjs with Ionic

I am trying to using hammer js in ionic angular project. I have imported hammermodule in my component's module: import { BrowserModule, HammerModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; //... @NgModule(...
user avatar
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How do I properly implement debounce time here so that it fires only once per time limit in pure JavaScript?

Goal I am trying to accomplish the following: There is a slider/slidehow/carousel/whatever you want to call it, and I want it to register a touch event only once every 3s when you swipe to the right ...
Munchkin's user avatar
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Zoom and pan image with events from another image

I am doing an application in cordova where I have a image and then I put on top of it another image in PNG format with transparent background: As you see the first picture is a photo and the second ...
Lapoco's user avatar
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hammer.js doesn't detect swipe

Hammer.js doesn't detect swipe when I use "touch-action: pan-x !important;" on that id, it works when I don't use touch action but then scroll is not working on my site. I'm sorry if the ...
Torpid's user avatar
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HTML page with inside JavaScript not opening in mobile Safari

I have created one .html file, a full calendar and hammer.js. It’s working on desktop and Android devices. I can see the full calendar and gesture of swipe left and swipe right. But it’s only not ...
amit sutar's user avatar
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How to include adapters and plugins with ChartJS

What is the most up to date (ES6) and minimal way to use Chart.js with time series data (requiring an adapter like moment.js) and zoom/pan capabilities (chartjs-plugin-zoom) using only CDN? Do you ...
Mick's user avatar
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hammer js with carousel images that contain link

I'm using hammer.js with bootstrap carousel for swiping the images left and right with the mouse and it works fine but the problem is the images are links to other pages <div class="carousel-...
nagham yousef's user avatar
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IOS device keyboard not opening on single tap event itext insert fabricjs hammerjs with Angular 9

I am using fabricjs for canvas and hammerjs for touch event with Angular 9. I have a single tap event of hammerjs which creates an object of fabric's IText. Single tapping creates the fabric and ...
Jivan's user avatar
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Cannot find type definition file for 'hammerjs'

While trying to run my project ionic cordova run Android it will show error:- [13:07:43] typescript error Cannot find type definition file for 'hammerjs'. TypeError: Cannot read ...
Abhinav Saxena's user avatar
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How to do something slowly in Javascript? [duplicate]

I'd like to set a timeout to make it appear as if a card is being thrown to the right when the user presses the right arrow key. The function is a part of an object. Ideally, i'd like to write ...
Muriel's user avatar
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hammerjs gestures not working on angular version 11?

I've been trying to setup hammerjs for simple swipe gestures, it's been now 2 days that I can not set it up, and I can't even find some sources to get it done. I am confused if Angular is supporting ...
Flamur Beqiraj's user avatar
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Swipe Button with Javascript

I really am struggling to put a swipe functionality on my toggle button. I have tried hammer.js, jQuery Mobile and now I am trying to use regular javascript. I really need some help and guidance on ...
trees123's user avatar
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Hammer.js Slide Function not working with my toggle

Not sure what I'm doing wrong with the hammer.js slide functionality. I want to just put a simple slide gesture so the user can slide the button on mobile. Would appreciate any insight to my errors I ...
Gabby12345's user avatar
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Y-pan event delay with hammer.js

The following script is a basic navigation that enforces perpendicular motion (left-right-up-down) in a Phaser-based app. My problem is a significant delay in y-direction pan events triggering, which ...
geotheory's user avatar
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App won't recognize gestures, like pan, using Hammer.JS in Angular 11

I can't recognize any gestures, such as swipe, pan, in my Angular app using Hammer.JS. It's set up like this: package.json: "@angular/core": "11.0.5", "@angular/platform-...
Tao's user avatar
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Can't bind data with hammerjs

I'm sliding on screen and getting x coordinate with hammerjs and on same time I'm trying to view the value of x on HTML template through data binding. As I slide, the value of x is changing in console ...
Mayank Kataria's user avatar
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The "swiperight" event cannot be bound because Hammer.JS is not loaded

What is the proper configuration for HammerJS in Angular 10/11? We shouldn't import from 'hammerjs' anymore, instead, we should import HammerModule from @angular/platform-browser. This doesn't seem to ...
Sebastian Denis's user avatar
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How to implement long press (tap & hold) using angular in iphone ,safari

I have tried hammerjs press,pressup events,pointerup,pointerdown events.These works in chrome and android perfectly but not working in iphone and safari.Also tried to use hostlisener event but not ...
Albin's user avatar
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Dependency on 'hammerjs'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts

I am working on an angular application with Angular CLI 11.0.2 and I am using hammerJS in my application to handle the swipe events. When I compile the application, I have the following warning ...
J.F.'s user avatar
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How to get touch coordinates in hammerjs?

Can anybody tell me how to get touch coordinates in hammerjs? Following code is giving error: hammerEvent.on('pan', (ev) => { console.log('x, y: ', ev.clientX, ev.clientY); }
Mayank Kataria's user avatar
-1 votes
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Property 'maxPointers' does not exist on type 'HammerInput'

Execution of code is not giving any error. But VSCode is giving this error. Saying property 'maxPointers' does not exist on type 'HammerInput'. Though it exists when I see in console. But how to ...
Mayank Kataria's user avatar
3 votes
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hammer.js dragging not start 'till finger stop on ipad screen

Dragging with hammer.js works on browser on pc. It fires continuously but when it comes to iPad, there is little problem. It fires after dragging/swiping finger stops on screen template <v-sheet v-...
firefly's user avatar
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Functions not running when called through HammerJS

I have a component that shows information for days that are cycled through with functions dayUp() and dayDown(). They both look like the following: dayUp() { if (this.dayCount == 7) { ...
punygod's user avatar
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Long tap doesn't work on Raspberry Pi touchscreen

I'm using HammerJS in an Angular app running in Electron on a Raspberry Pi with a touchscreen. I want my user to be able to tap for as long as they want (especially for old people). Here is my Angular ...
didil's user avatar
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HammerJS in Angular 9 pinchin pinchout text is not selectable

Hi guys so I've noticed that when using (pinchin) or (pinchout) events in a component the text inside of it is no longer selectable. I see this issue has already been corrected in hammerjs github page ...
César Castro Aroche's user avatar
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Angular 10 - Cannot get touch event from HammerJS

I want to integrate pinch gesture on a square div. Live example Angular 9 Problem, when I run it locally, npm start fails. I've managed to start it on Angular 10 through ng update. Then the library no ...
ETdecode's user avatar
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Hammer_gesture_config import error after updating angular project from 7 to 10

I updated Angular application to v10 and now i get this import error on GestureConfig. import GestureConfig Module '"../../node_modules/@angular/material/core"' has no exported member '...
Tom's user avatar
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ngFor with Hammer JS swipe function in Angular 7

While using Hammer js swipe function with *ngFor in angular.The result expected was a swipe for particular index of tile and that tile will be removed. But by doing that the animation is not working ...
arjun m nair arjun's user avatar
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How to initialize a hammerJS object with options as parameters

So we can create a Hammer object and set change its options like this: let mc = new Hammer(element); mc.get('pan').set({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_NONE }); How can we set the options with the ...
MightyMouse's user avatar
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Ionic:Vertical scroll not working after adding HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG

i am using "@ionic/angular": "5.0.7" and i am trying to use import { LongPressModule } from 'ionic-long-press'; and using provider with hammergestureconfig { provide: ...
cj devin's user avatar
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Hammer.js swipe left gesture animation in Angular

I'm trying to have a swipe animation when user swipes left in the device. Here's a gist of the problem When I click on about page button in Home page, the app smoothly navigates to About page. When I ...
krsna's user avatar
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Hammer.js swipe does not working on rotated iframe

I made an iframe on the page and rotated it by transform. body.rotate iframe { transform: rotate(90deg); transform-origin: top right; position: absolute; top: 100%; ...
webelf000's user avatar
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Angular 7: How to resolve Hammer.js dependency in Jasmine unit test

When writing unit tests for a component that uses a Material Slider and depends on HammerJS for it, I'm seeing this error WARN LOG: 'The "slide" event cannot be bound because Hammer.JS is ...
Tony Brasunas's user avatar

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